The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Jigsaw puzzle

Re: Jigsaw puzzle
Posted by Tony (Guest) - Monday, May 31 2004, 19:23:14 (CEST)
from - Commercial - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

Couldn't this happen to Saddam instead of killing Iraqis and destroying Iraq's infrastructure first?

Nobody came to aid of Iraq and Iraqis, NO FUCKING BODY. Nobody came to aid of Iraqis when Iraqi children were dying in 1000's every day. Nobody came to aid of Iraqis when the U.S. and U.K. fell on their cities.

And now the same people who killed Iraqis for 14 years, dropped bombs on their cities and towns and destroyed Iraq’s infrastructure is deciding who will run the country and what’s good for Iraq and Iraqis and once again the rest of world including all of ARAB STATES-just as Iraq and Iraqis aren't Arabs are sitting on the side silently while U.S., U.K., and U.N. this time raping Iraq and Iraqis for years to come.


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