The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Jigsaw puzzle

Re: Jigsaw puzzle
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, May 31 2004, 14:30:36 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

MILD DEMENTIA???? How about a full blown nut job? Many of the people he had killed were also in "poor condition"...but that didn`t stop anyone from killing them anyway. Who cares what his mental ability is? No one is putting him on trial for his MIND...his ACTIONS can be examined...questioned..and he can receive a death penalty but have it communted to life inside his rotten soul.

Nobody wants him dead...they just want him to face justice. He can sit there and drool throughout the trial. His testimony hardly matters..we know what he`s going to say..that he had to protect Chile from itself...protect it from exercising its democractic right to choose its own president...we know all of that...what we don`t know yet is how satisfying it will be to all those who lost so much to have the madman found guilty on all charges.

Whatever happened to closure?


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