The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Memorial Day

Re: Memorial Day
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, May 31 2004, 20:00:10 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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In going up against the United States it would seem Palestinians and Iraqis now love life and freedom and dignity as much as anybody else.

The people, the ordinary people, aren`t benefiting from any of`s a war for profits for a greedy few insane people...yet we bear the burden and pay the price..and it`s going to continue that way till we reach out to people no matter where they are, what religion they are or what language they speak. We, the people, have no cause to be enemies of each is our leaders who are the enemy...and ultimately we are our own worst enemies, so long as we follow them.


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