The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Shamiram Sculpture

Re: Shamiram Sculpture
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 30 2004, 3:16:59 (CEST)
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I`d ike nothing more than to see it installed in Iraq..something sent BACK to our homeland..something besides bombs and death.

As it stands now Narsai David has entered his own claim to the monument because he bailed it out when Jackie Bejan almost lost it to the foundry...she`d said we could cover the last outstanding bill by selling one my sculptures to a friend of hers..I agreed..then as the deadline approached she backed out..I`d trusted her enough to ask the foundry owner to do the work on the promise we`d pay a month before the supposed installation in San Jose..I`d even said if I failed by then..he could install it in a sculpture garden in Monetery, Ca...that he oversees for the city...then I realized we really could lose it and when Narsai found out about it, after returning from China, he offered to pay the bill so the monument stayed ours.

He and I have since come to a perting of ways after 20 so often happens and now HE says the monument belongs to him. Fortunately the owner thinks we`re all crazy and since he knows me personally is not about to give the statue to anyone who comes saying it`s his or hers.

As to Iraq..I think it`s a wonderful idea, a fitting and a poetic ending to this story...we plumbed the depths of the community in its diapers and found it sadly wanting...but always remembering that it was Assyrians who put up the money...but could not follow through and DEMAND something that we actually could have expected be followed.

I`ll tell you one thing....if it ever gets installed there it`s not going to have the CHRISTIAN version of our`s going to have ALL our history. I told the boys.."Monuments NEVER lie!"

As to Jassim writing that song...I could have done better..but I couldn`t top Linda George...she`s one tough and lovely lady. The moment she sang for Shumirum...was only matched by Ashur Bet Sargis`song for Ashurbanipal years earlier when we flew the entire bronze monument to Chicago for a pre-unveiling at the convention. Flying Tiger Airlines donated the round was a BIG box...and that happened often when Americans learned of what we were doing. The crane company in San Francisco donated their equipment and people to install the`s amazing how much our Heritage means to OTHER people.

Your kind words are more than half of what I worked for. Thank you so much...and thank you especially for showing your appreciation in such a public way that wil reach young Assyrians...such as you were, who desperately need to see some pride in action from this Heritage and that our own people can and do APPRECIATE. That could inspire them...especially as what their parents did to this Assyrian might make them shy away even more from attempting such things. It`s wonderful to hear them expressed and I know many others feel the same`s about the children...not about raising them to form an army and go make more orphans and widows..the Assyrians ranged their world and took in and processed and added to and refined all they came in contact with..we have the entire world as our stage and we have outposts everywhere...what Assyrian with the heart and mind of one..would be content to huddle in a triangle?

thanks again


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