Re: The old Switcheroo |
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- Sunday, June 6 2004, 9:34:03 (CEST) from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
"This was done to make "Christianity" more palatable and familiar to heathen worshippers, whom the Church was trying to attract." ...Excellent. However, I would say that the church was trying to train the offspring of the heathens it killed, that it had absolutely nothing to offer them to "attract" them. I really don`t see how, extrapolating from what we know the church did to people to force them to in Africa, The New World and anywhere else in the modern era...that any culture or country or province or city-state or village, even, came willingly and joyfully to Christ. It may sound nice but on reflection it`s clearly absurd wishfull thinking that Christians, the very same descendants of those forcibly converted are only too happy to accept uncritically. --------------------- |
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