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=> Re: Who will you vote for?

Re: Who will you vote for?
Posted by Habibi (Guest) - Wednesday, July 7 2004, 2:28:02 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

I agree with you. Here's an email reply I recieved from someone who wrote an article on Unfortunately, this individual has since resorted to attacking Ralph Nader. I worship both this individual and Nader.... And did you know that approximately 22 million single women didn't vote in the last election? Forget blaming Nader for Gore's loss - what about the women who didn't vote??? Check out this article for more info:

-----Original Message-----
From: Norman
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: regarding your article

Dear XXXX,
Thanks very much for your letter. It raises some thoughtful points for me to ponder, and I appreciate it... Would it be OK for me to send it along to a few (three or four) political strategists I know?
Thanks for sharing your insights and for your encouraging words...
Best wishes,

> Dear Norman,
> After reading your article "Dixie Trap for Democrats in Presidential
> Race," I have to voice an opinion that I have heard many times by
> Southern
> Democrats: Al Gore did not win many states in the South, not because
> of his political ideology, but because he wasn't a true "native" of
> the South. Many people I have spoken with did not like Gore simply
> because he'd lived so much of his life in D.C. Even people in Gore's
> home state felt that Gore had no connection with them. Now, contrast
> this image with Bush's image: a simple, straightforward,
> Southern-accented gentleman who hails from Texas. Of course, I am able
> to reason that this is all *image,* which is manipulated by the media,
> but it's hard to use reason to convince people to vote one way & not
> another, because many people vote according to emotion. I firmly
> believe that Bush will lose the election if the Democratic candidate
> who runs against him chooses a Southern running mate merely because
> many Southerners will feel like that person will be able to understand
> them. The Democrats already have the northeast & much of the Pacific
> coast, but it will take a person with a Southern-accent & a history in the South to win over the South.
> Another emotional issue that wins a *lot* of otherwise fair-minded
> (with strong anti-corporate leanings & pro-environmental sentiments)
> people over to the Republican party is abortion. I have heard this
> from people who reside in all areas of this country. How many people
> have I spoken with who vote Republican just because they feel like a
> fetus has feelings & is dying an unnecessarily cruel death I don't
> know. The number is high. I have no idea what the Democrats could do
> about this, & I don't think it's worth it to compromise on this issue.
> Apparently, these people feel more emotion for a fetus (which, in
> their minds is an innocent & can not speak for itself) than they do
> for a mother (who they regard as responsible for her actions, &
> therefore should be held accountable for them). Why they don't care
> about the state of the environment as much, esp. when it affects
> countless fetuses (e.g. the rising number of birth defects due to
> pollution) & innocent children (asthma, thanks to poor air quality, &
> increasing spread of infectious disease, thanks to global warming) or
> improving social programs, which also affects countless impoverished
> children & developing fetuses, I also don't know. Reason is not able
> to turn the minds of the emotional.
> These are just my observations. On another note, I hope that this
> email finds you well. I enjoy your articles, frequently forward them
> to my friends, & look forward to your next!
> Sincerely,


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