Re: a Valuable Blind Christian Woman |
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- Monday, May 31 2004, 4:31:22 (CEST) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Perhaps she worked for other make a Christian enclave..or make Iraq "safe" for Christians teaching sedition in "The Language of Christ". Iraq was safe enough for Tariq Azziz and Donny George and countless others who obey the law and respect the Islamic history of Iraq...a more recent history and claim to legitimacy than the Christian claim for a land that never knew a Christian 4000 years ago. People who collaborate have a multiplicity of could call the French Underground collaborators when they helped the Allies push the Nazis out. Had they been caught by the Vichy Government they would have been shot too. All in all it`s a dangerous business and you`re almost asking to get hurt...and driving to work each day in a bus is a sure way to get to paradise and see Yahwe. It`s sad and sick and insane and will only get worse. There`s no way any Democrat can be "Soft on Terror". Jingo politicians are going to be vying for our votes by killing innocent Muslims...first inciting them to attack..or grumble..or look like they might have a chemical lab in their Fiat. Anyone cautioning Reason and fair-play is going to be a "Terror-lover" we were Nigger-lovers if we wanted the Law applied equally..or Commie-Lovers if we didn`t want to to burn to death Vietnamese children. We have the worst education system in the history of the world..and the best...depends on what you want from your citizens. Right now it`s functioning beautifully....just wait till the garage Madrassahs start turning out graduate Christians. --------------------- |
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