The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: it`s about FUCKING Time!!!

Re: it`s about FUCKING Time!!!
Posted by Shadow (Guest) - Saturday, June 12 2004, 14:56:46 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Netscape
Website title:

Agreed. God does not belong in the classroom. God is a pervasive "literary phenomenon" that compromises a child's ability to assimilate REAL and USEFUL information. God is naught more than a fable. I look back on my own childhood education and am agape at the fact that God's bush-burning and sea-parting exploits were taught alongside the solidity of maths and sciences. All he needed was a cape and a rolled up sock to stuff in his tights.

Do you think we are finally on the way to dispelling the notion that some ghostly uber-hunk in the sky is the beginning and end of knowledge for the human race?


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