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=> Re: paulo freire

Re: paulo freire
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, May 31 2004, 14:23:22 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

the basic thing wrong with educating people is that it`s done against their will. It isn`t about learning "facts"...putting in your head what exists on paper shouldn`t be mandatory...grabbing a bunch of children who aren`t interested in the least and treating them as if that didn`t matter.

Education used to be a natural thing when parents were the teachers. It`s become an industrial, insitutionalized "process"...for processing people...not education but turning them into citizens. It`s more like Basic Training in preparation for a War than it is education for the sake of education.

Besides which, after years of having your hair pulled and your eyes poked out...all students want to do is never see a book again. Those people leaving college are hardly "educated" but rather poorly bad animal acts in a two bit road show is more like it. I know it wounds our pride to have spent so many years and money to be told we could have done a lot better for a lot less...but there you have it.

Schools are handing out high grades like they mean nothing...and they don`t. Can`t wait for another ten years to slip by. I still say they`re going to put children to "work" too one day down the line by offering tax credits for good grades..that way the parents will come to depend on Johnny`s good grades to make their bottom lines come tax time and the end of their fiscal will be represented as "credits towards college"...but it will be a way to get the Feds AND daddy and Mommy breathing down a kid`s neck.

THAT ought to inspire our little scholars.


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