The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: still haven`t gone for his mother...

Re: still haven`t gone for his mother...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 19 2004, 21:42:35 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

....his mother`s still safe....

Your formula will result in the exctinction of the Assyrians because according to you it would not matter if the Assyrians call themselves Kurds while Kurds will never abandon their name. have taken yourselves to Christian countries so your religion will be safe and`ve asked and helped and paid for and worked with Christians who`ve gone to Iraq with your blessings to kill and rape and plunder...this will make you "not popular" in Iraq and the MidEast in general. If anyone is killing you people off it`s you people...someone else merely pulls the trigger..but you point yourselves out by begging Bush to remain and do more of the same...if there was peace and you all shut the fuck up about how the land belongs to you because you are CHRISTIANS..since only Christians can be Assyrians, then you people wouldn`t face extinction.

...Seems to me extinction is exactly what`s happening to you in the West where you`re all content to be Christians day and night. Name an Assyrian anything that isn`t first and foremost and then only Christian? Your religion is your nationality as well..and you`re as pleasesd as piss about it...trouble is no Christian ghetto can survive in a sea of Muslims your co-religionists pissed the hell out of..with your fervent blessings. You are killing yourselves off..."suicide by stupidity".

You have no proof what so ever that Kurds are Assyrians.

...he never said that...he said we are ALL one people...not Assyrian or Kurd or Japanese PEOPLE!...and you have no proof that you`re Assyrian..or that you`re the only Assyrians..because you say you are..or that any Assyrians left today have to be Christian.

First of all their language is completely different.

...that doesn`t change anything..these are the minor embellishments we Humans have brought into being to enrich our lives need to kill everyone over names.

Their character is different,

...those are slight variations on a theme...again, nothing worth killing children over.

They are recent arrivals in the region, are the Europeans to America..but in international law...possession is everything. Therefore whether they came 200 years ago or 2000...makes no difference anywhere...if they can hold onto what they matter how cruel they are about it..look at what America did to the Natives who owned the land...then it`s legal.

Their religion is different,

...glad you brought that up...would you Cristians go back to Israel, where your religion came from and you Muslims back to Arabia, where your`s came from, so we Assyrians can heal the land? You can all visit later if you behave.

their culture is different.`s that of Chinese and Japanese people...but you wouldn`t burn down their restaurants for that reason and all go eat at Denny`s and only Denny`s from then on...enjoy the variety and grow up.

Most importantly they do not consider themselves Assyrian.

...I don`t consider you Assyrian either...neither would most of the world if they had nothing better to do than listen to your proooves for ten minutes even. You`re Nuts is what you are.

It is silly to make unsubstanciated claims as yours.

...Imagine how Assyrians feel then when you all crawl on your knees before a jew carpenter and beg him to fly you up to the clouds so you can see his father forever. Talk about embarrassing! You have absolutely no proof that you are Assyrians..none, or you would have produced them..instead you give us Syriac manuscripts which also aren`t accepted in matters pertaining to the earth and this life.

By your logic one can cliam that you can call yourself a monkey because monkies have some human chrachteristics. you can claim to be Assyrian just becasue you`re an Ass. It takes more than that to make you a monkey.



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