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=> Royal Oak Madness

Royal Oak Madness
Posted by Jeff (Guest) - Wednesday, June 16 2004, 7:15:48 (CEST)
from Commercial - Windows XP - Netscape
Website title:

Noam Chomsky said something interesting about the popularity of sports and how that reflects upon the society which glorifies athletes...etc.....unfortunately I can't recall exactly what he said, but I'm sure you all get it.

So, I decided to ride my bike downtown because all I have heard for the past 2 hours is fireworks and police helicopters...and I live in the burbs. So, I go downtown and for as far as the eye can see there are drunken people, screaming, chanting, waving Detroit Pistons flags and jerseys, and cops on horse, motorcycle, and of course in cars. I even overheard someone say that the Canadian National Railroad (which runs through town) has guards up and down the tracks who are shocking people with Tasers. Fascinating stuff, really, but I sort of feel like everyone is using this euphoria as a way to get out of their puritan shells.

I wish I would have taken my digital camera, but I didn't.... but I did see about 100 people who had remembered to bring theirs, and I have my memory.


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