The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> So is "DICK"...

So is "DICK"...
Posted by Qasrani (Guest) - Wednesday, July 7 2004, 15:00:22 (CEST)
from Netherlands - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

I couldn't agree with you more. Yes, you cannot dismantle the master's house with the master's tools.

I got lambasted by the Europeans here when I told them that I did not vote in the last election. And I don't know who to vote for in this one, if anyone. And if I submit a blank ballot, I'm scared that someone will punch out their preferences on MY ballot and dangle MY chads. [How is THAT for true-blue Assyrian paranoia?]

If we can just get some foreign election monitoring for the election I would be more willing to participate this time around.



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