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=> The Poor UN

The Poor UN
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 28 2004, 22:48:32 (CEST)
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...can you imagine them being confronted by Peter Jassim, Aprim and deKelaita..with Dooz carrying the luggage, explaining to the UN why Kurds aren`t really refugess because Iraq was NEVER their indigenous land? Can you picture that?

To which an official might say, yes but Mr Jazzrim...what do you suggest we DO with them? They are refugess from their most recent homes"? To which KelBoo says..."Send them to Iran for those are their ancestral homelands" which the UN official replies, "But they`re COMING from Iran back to Iraq...they don`t see Iran as their home...and besides the Iranian government doesn`t want them now that they can which Dooz drops the luggage, fixes the official with his steely gaze..and says "DEATH TO ALL REFUGESS WHO WANT TO GO BACK TO ASSYRIA"...and then the security people are called and our delegation finds itself on the sidewalk of Life again.

I don`t even think the boys really want a Triangle. Even if they got an Assyria in a corner, what would they do with it? As it is now they can barely make sense to no would they negotiate with their wishing death to them?

And how would they live? I think they think they`re going to be an Israel with a lot American tax money and contracts coming their way, not to mention protection when they go take a dump in the dark. The other option is just to look sad and pathetic some more, like no one gives them anything!

Weird...really they are. They`ve been describing their Muslim ENEMIES as the kind of people who`d hardly let a border stop them..or a triangle..the kind of people who`d cross over in an instant to kidnap all those women who are only too happy to leave Assria...then what...war? Are you kidding? In which direction? And if their neighbors form alliances like they think they have with America and Britain..each thousands of miles away, then what? How will they survive an attack from all sides? Won`t they then be yelling for help and do this for me and do that for me?

The same Hanna that says one of him is worth a million other people and that an Assyria Militia wouldn`t scare itself to death, can`t handle a conversaion unless all the rules are made by him...he`s gonna negotiate with Muslims, Turks, Kurds and Arabs...really?

They just like to kvetch.


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