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=> The old Switcheroo

The old Switcheroo
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Sunday, June 6 2004, 9:00:05 (CEST)
from - Australia - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Historian James George Frazer wrote in his famous work, The Golden Bough:

Now the death and resurrection of Attis were officially celebrated at Rome on the 24th and 25th of March, the latter being regarded as the spring equinox, and...according to an ancient and widespread tradition Christ suffered on the 25th of March.... The tradition which placed the death of Christ on the 25th of all the more remarkable because astronomical considerations prove that it can have had no historical foundation.... When we remember...that the festival of St. John the Baptist in June has succeeded a heathen Midsummer festival of water; that the festival of the Assumption of the Virgin in August has ousted the festival of Diana; that the feast of All Souls [Halloween] in November is a continuation of an old heathen feast of the dead; and that the Nativity of Christ himself was assigned to the winter solstice in December because that day was deemed the Nativity of the Sun; we can hardly be thought to be rash or unreasonable in conjecturing that the other cardinal festival of the Christian church—the solemnization of Easter—may have been in like manner ..adapted to a similar celebration... It is a remarkable coincidence...that the Christian and the heathen festivals of the divine death and resurrection should have been solemnized at the same season.... It is difficult to regard the coincidence as purely accidental (Vol. I, pp. 306-309).

Plainly, the Church at Rome had a practice of incorporating "pagan" festivals, pasting "Christian" names over them and calling them "Christian:' This was done to make "Christianity" more palatable and familiar to heathen worshippers, whom the Church was trying to attract.


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