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=> Those Jive Ass Levies...

Those Jive Ass Levies...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, July 2 2004, 17:50:10 (CEST)
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Imagine how a Muslim, especially an Arab one at that feels when he extends his hospitality to a stranger...takes him into his tent when he`s lost wandering in the him food and shelter only to have the man take a gun and shoot him? Those are our precious Leveies in Iraq.

Now imagine the refugee running for his life is a Christian...and that his tormentors are other Muslims..but this doesn`t stop the Muslim Arab from taking the man into his tent anyway. Then imagine the Arab`s tent being attacked by Christians and they manage to slip their gun inside the tent and the refugee uses that gun to kill his Muslim Arab host.

Now imagine that refugee being proud of himself for ever after...being praised and wept over by his church for his heroic deed. And then imagine a troop of Muslims coming along and shooting the son of a bitch refugee in the head. Has justice been served or not? Or are Christians exempt from all laws of human decency?

Only in this case the Christians who started that mess and shot their host were forced to "Diaspora" all over themselves because Muslims are famous for exacting justice...and they left innocent people behind to cathc hell much as Peter Jassim and Firas Jones and the rest of them are far from feeling the backlash of the idiotic lies and propaganda they put out whose sole aim is to get Christians in Iraq they can use their corpses to win hearts and minds and maybe a triangle...that they`ll never get...but so what...if they can`t get their way then destroy it for everyone starting with the Christians over there who REFUSED to demandses a triangle..along with Peter Jassim and Hanna and Mr. Jones. Let that be their punishment for not taking back Assyria.

Are there a more degenerate bunch of sons of bitches anywhere in the world than these Christian Nationalists of ours?

No one was "Arabized" any more than anyone has been forcibly Americanized..or was forcibly Christianized. Our people simply were swayed, one way or another to abandon the lost cause they could see Christianity would become in the Firas Jatou wants to be Frank Jones, giving up his DEAR "Assyrian" name when no one is making him do it in America...but he does it because he doesn`t want himself or his children "held back" by being tagged with an Assyrian name that`s uncomfortably close to sounding "Muslim". So much for those dear names of ours Saddam FORCED us to change. Who forced Frank Jones?

The boys can`t give a single example of any culture, refined or otherwise that embraced Christianity. Jesus is a nice enough guy but there are lots of people even more wonderful than he...big deal. But the idea that people swarmed all over themselves to convert to the State religion of the Roman Empire, that got through killing absurd. Show me ONE instance..besides what your dippy Syriac manuscripts say...give me hard historical facts..ones that can match all the facts I can present of just how the church "spread" Christianity in the modern era.

Like the most Christian King Leopold of Belgium who offered a bounty for the hands, just the hands, of any dead African in the Congo who refused Jesus as his savior. If these atrocities aren`t demanded of people in the bible..then how come the most Christian of them don`t listen to their own god?

Glad you asked..because Christianity was native nowhere and to no one, outside of Judea and it wasn`t much welcomed there either. It was merely adapted and fine-tuned by the murdering Romans to help with crowd control and social order...and it was stuffed down the throats of everyone never came FROM them..and their children were forcibly converted to it and they too never quite felt it. That`s why they`re all notorious for getting it "wrong"...century after a religion and set of moral precepts that works just great at what the Romans used it for...crowd control, starting from the crib.


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