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=> Vietnam Reducks

Vietnam Reducks
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, June 4 2004, 1:30:51 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

they said the SAME fucking thing about Vietnam!!!

By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer

ROME - President Bush (news - web sites), facing tough talks with U.S. allies, said Thursday it would be disastrous if they took their troops out of Iraq

Pulling out, Bush said, would send the wrong signals to the Iraqi people and to terrorists. "It would dispirit those who love freedom in Iraq," he said.

...they said that when five thousand died..they repeated it when ten thousand were killed...they said it when 35,000 died for nothing...they held on till they managed to get 55,000 Americans killed plus 3 million Vietnamese...and THEN they got out...of course he doesn`t want out now..first off we haven`t killed enough of our own..and secondly there`s lots more money from where the last batch came..and went from.


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