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- Sunday, June 6 2004, 22:59:35 (CEST) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
They`re so bored with themselves they decided not only is Kanna an excellency and an honorable..but now Wm Warda is GRAT! People are being encouraged to go see for themselves...over here, where we aims to please, we drug him over to spare youse all...this is more of an indication that they`re feeling the heat. Nothing is going as they "dreamed" it would for them so they`re enlisting each other to "explain" relity to the rest of us...thinking thereby they at least show the just cause they`ve been crying about..when all they`ve managed to do is confirm that their reading of history as their definition of themselves as Assyrian..is completely based on a Christian reading of everything. Thank god they`re venturing out...and you know they`re desperate when Wm the DM can ne coaxed out of retirement. note: I`ll leave his wife`s genitals out of it for now..also his daughter`s tits. Ain`t being a Christian GRAT!!! Aramean: You seem to read in my article what you want to even if it is not there. ...And you seem to read into "international Law" also what isn`t there...as you glanced over the U.S. Constitution and its history and somehow determined that America has a deep and abiding conviction that land should never be taken away from Darkies..that they have never made war upon or failed to rush to the aid of fellow Chritians...and that they believed they were going to Iraq to liberate it...that the statement by Madeiline Allbright was really meant to mean that starving children would bring liberation and freedom to Iraq...it would seem you are ALL "reading challenged". I did not write my article to defend the British but to tell the truth as it was. ...you`ll forgive us and the world for having our own ideas about that. Assyrians were not responsible for world war one. They consider it a disaster which decimated their population, caused the loss of their historic habitat, undermined their survival and scattered them around the world. ..of course they weren`t responsible..no one said that...neither were half a million Assyrian children in Iraq responsible for America`s puppet and its displeasure when he went "rogue". In history completely innocent people suffer...that`s why it behoves them to tread lightly...and cheering on the destruction of BetNahrain by the United States as well as aiding the British by wearing their uniforms..and now the Americans by taking their pay...these are not good ways to demand you be left in peace. Aside from being decimated by the Turks and the Kurds Assyrians consider themselves betrayed by the British, and the Iraqi Arabs whom they served from (1918 to 1932). ...how in god`s name was wearing British uniforms and shooting Iraqis who were pissed at the British occupation, "serving" Iraq? Are you daft? No one has yet offered Turkey an apology for the world`s most advanced nations deciding they would attack it. The Turks too feel badly treated by Western nations..who are all Christians. It was regretable but to be expected that the United States would pass discriminatory laws, clap in jail innocent citizens and legal visitors...deny Muslims their rights and kill several people who "looked" wrong after 9/11... as tragic, though also understandable, as it was for the Turks to distrust all Chritians within their borders...especially when the same jackasses started braying and agitating on behalf of those coming to "rescue" them...from what? If you want to understand and not just condemn...you`ll think about America..the land of the free and the rich...which has never been attacked the way the Turks were and their people killed in such numbers and their wealth stolen from them...think about how this bastion of Democracy, the most powerful nation of earth..reacted in panic, lashing out at wedding guests in Afghanistan...diners in Chicago...students in Los Angeles..children in Iraq..about the gulag prisons set up on foreign soil so they can arrest and jail indefinitely whomever they please and do as they please..if America, with its Liberal and Enlightened Parliamentary background, not that of the Seraglio..can go ape shit after ONE attack...imagine what the Turks must have felt..imagine their paranoia at the prospect of all the most powerful nations on earth ganging up on it...to do this is not to excuse anybody..it`s just to keep you from demonizing one set of people..while you excuse every crime and travesty on your side...and I don`t mean you Christian boys but America..whose illegal attack on Iraq you boys think to benefit from..if nothing else because it gives you some cheap feelings of vicarious revenge...for you are still arrant cowards no matter who else does your killing for you. Not only Iraq itself, the Iraqi government, the Iraqi Army and all other Iraqi governmental institutions were established by the British. Yet Iraqis nationalists used the Assyrian working with the British to defend their country as an excuse to massacre them. ..that is nonsense...it was you asshole villagers again...thousands of Christians in Iraq did just fine and escaped this murderous rampage you claim the army went on. After the Levies you boys marked yourselves...you still don`t mention Iraq`s role in saving us in the first place..they could easily have shut their borders to you Iranian Christians and you would have died in far greater numbers... My intention was to refute the often repeated lies which are intended to portray Assyrians as the enemies of Iraq by claiming that Assyrian Levies were functioning against the interest of Iraq because they were working with the British [to secure Iraq]. In fact if not for the Assyrian sacrifices Iraq would have ended up in a dissaterous civil war which would have caused its being divided between Sheites, Sunies and Kurds. ...that is your Syriac Manuscript bullshit. You will say the same thing twenty years from now when Simele repeats..you`ll say WHAT INGRATITUDE!!! It was the Assyarian interpreters and ZOWAA that saved Iraq from being etc. And it`s funny you mention that division..when you boys want your own enclave as well..it would seem with the toppling of Saddam those Clerics and the Kurds won it all. And you want us to believe that you people work FOR Iraq? Its northern provinces especially the Mosul Villayat would have been recaptured by Turkey. This is the reality which the Iraqi nationalists have chosen to ignore therefore It is important for the assyrians to tell it over and over again. ...you are a horse`s ass...like the ones in the bible who make "prophecies" 100 years AFTER an event...you now rewrite the record to make the Levies AND their British employers..who were in Iraq illegally, then as now, into the heroes of the day "saving" Iraqis..from themselves, I suppose? Just as you believe the Americans are there to liberate Iraq and you boys are just "serving" Iraq. No wonder you`re Grat! Arabs love to condemn the Sykes-Picot agreement pretending that the war against Turkey and the dividing of the Ottoman empire into independent states was against their interest. They seem to pretend that they were responsible for their independence rather than the British. If not for the Sykes-Picot agreement Most of the territories in Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuait and Saudi Arabia would have been still under Turkey’s rule. ...what are you talking about? Those lands WERE Turkey..as much as Hawaii is American or India was British. Of course those lands would have remained with their rightful owner..those lands were a part of the Ottoman Empire longer than Manhattan was part of America...longer than Honduras was part of the British Empire...why does only Turkey have to "give back" land or face a war..what about the rest of you Christian bastards? ...Are you saying there`s an unwritten law the Ottomans had to abide by that says those lands were better off with the Brits and French? And so that made the war okay? Just what are you anyway? Arabs had been content to have Turkey rule over them for centuries perhaps they considered Turkish rule as a continuation of their khalifites. ..what the fuck is it to you? Do the people of Puerto Rico ever figure in your plans for who should be grateful for Colonial rule? Turkey chose to massacre Christians of Turkey and Iran supposedly to punish the allies whom it could not defeat. ...certainly there was a feeling for revenge..like you have now...that`s understandable...America has jailed people too and killed millions of Africans as well...not to mention the real owners of the land...who would like you to care about their rights as well and GET OFF their indigenous lands!!!. But more than that was the desire to neutralize the Christian population the government felt it could not depend upon to remain loyal..and the Armenians gave them plenty of reason to distrust Armenians...why stop there...did America JUST go get Saudis for 9/11 or did they kill Iraqi children and Afghani wedding guests too? It considered its war against the allies as religious and wanted to believe that christians of Turkey and Iran had something to do with it simply because the French, British and the Russians were christians and had shown some interest in the suffering of the christian communities of Turkey Before the war. ...bullshit..it is you Christians who invoke god. There was absolutely no justification for that war either...Turkey attacked no one..the Christians and Jews of the Empire were treated better than any Muslims or Jews have EVER been treated by ANY Christian government...the war was brought to the people of Turkey for the sake of the same oil they`re still killing us for...how is that justified anywhere? The massacres of the christians was Turkey’s way of retaliating against the allies as if they would be hurt by it. In reality the European nations cared only for their own self interest. ..of course they did..as did the Turks. The Turks being attacked by Christians reacted as Christians would being attacked by Saudis...that is they went looking for anybody they could and killed them. Iraq had nothing to do with Osama...everyone in the world knows that..but that didn`t stop Bush from waging a war against the civilian population of a totally innocent country. Until you don`t look out of your head with some more dispassionate eyes you`re merely a shill for one side...like the Muslims have theirs..you boys on all these sides are essentially the same..it was as easy to brainwash you as any asshole Muslims or Jew. On October 29, 1914 Turkey officially allied itself with Germany. (If Turkey had not sided with Germany there would not have been a reason for the allies to go to war against it.) ...bullshit again. The Allies made war for oil...everyone knew it then as now. The Sultan had seen the Europeans circling round his country for years before..there had been incursions by the Russians..the Britiah ambassador removed the Armenians, who took over the bank in Istanbul, threatening to blow it up...out of the country on his personal yacht and the Sultan LET THEM GO...how much clearer could they make their intentions? The Sultan had no trust or love for the Germans...but they all played good cop bad cop...with the rest of the Europeans making hostile noises, Germany chose to get what it too wanted by offering a defensive alliance...the Sultan felt he had to have ONE of them out of the alliance and nominally on his side..made perfect sense..the Allies would have attacked Turkey regardless. For years they talked about this "sick man of Europe" and how Turkey was ripe to fall...it was no surprise to anyonje no matter how breathless you want to be now. On that evening Turkish torpedo boats entered the harbor of Odessa, sunk the Russian gunboat Donetz, killing part of the crew, and damaged two Russian dreadnaughts. They also sank the French ship Portugal, killing two of the crew and wounding two others. They then turned their guns on the town and destroyed a sugar factory. This led to Russia declaration of war against Turkey. ( Russia was busy fighting the Germans on its own soil. The last thing they wanted was to go to war against Turkey). It was Turkey who brought the war to the Middle East. ...bullshit and double bullshit...if the Sutlan is allied to Germany, he`s expected to do something to aid it..the Americans, allies of the British, attacked the ENTIRE continent to "help". Soon a Fatwa was issued by the Shykh al-Islam in the Mosque of the Faithful, Constantinople against the allies claiming that Russia, England, France and their government intend to “extinguish and annihilate the exalted light of Islam.” ...that`s his own exalted talk...what he meant was that after years of saying they should kill this old sick man..they were ready to start...you don`t sit and wait to be attacked when you know an attack is coming...you try to seize the initiative...what`s the matter with you? therefore it was incumbent upon all Moslems “to proclaim Jihad against them..”. The "Holy War" was intended to turn the World War I into a battle of Islam versus Christianity but in reality it dommed the Assyrians and the Aramenians of Turkey and Iran. ..it was the Christians, then as now, who came to do the attacking. Turkey never uttered a peep about attacking Germanyy, France, Russia, Austria or England..yet they ALL made it clear they wanted the oil..needed it for their machinery and armies...then as now..and they waged a war to get the oil..same as now. It was oil again that drove Hitler to the Caucasus---and the Japanese to want the Malay Peninsula..that was their one chance at expansionism...but all them were beaten to the ground by America in particular...which is STILL treating the lives and countries and resources of those people as if they have a GOD GIVEN right to them...remember Manifest Destiny??? A few weeks before Turkey’s joining the war on October 1, 1914 a large force of Begzad Kurds under the command of Turkish officers massacred the Assyrian inhabitants of the Targavar and Margavar the Persian district adjoining Turkey's eastern boundary. Later they descended from the hills and began to plunder and burn the Assyrian villages on the shores of the Lake Urmia. Most of the Christians escaped and fled to the city, other towns and larger villages. This was only the begining. For four years the fury of the Turkish regular Army, the Kurdish tribes and the local Moslems was unleashed against the unarmed chirsitans of Turkey and Iran. ...you don`t mention Agha Petrous and his alliance and fighting on behalf of the Brits. No country is going to sit by idly while a private army from within accepts help and weapons and bullets and promises from a country the nation is at war with. When even a handfull agree to engage in such treasonous behavior...they screw it up for eveybody for the Turks, at war for their lives, can`t afford to wait to see who will and who won`t pick up a rifle and help their enemies..especially at a crucial juncture. You are so bound and determined to make victims out of all Christians that you give them no credit for participating in history...even though they blundered or more likely, had nowhere to go but down. It`s their dumb luck they betrayed Ashur..and that history would come back to bite them on the arse. To see Turkey as the villain and the agressor that begged for the start of the First World war where all the industrialized nations on earth practically would become their enemies is absurd..but it suits your purpose..so I guess you are a great con artist. wm warda ...eat a whale...fish is good brain food. Not a full sized whale, mind you...just a medium sized one...today and every day for the rest of your life. It can`t hurt. --------------------- |
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