The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> We Demand XXX Not XXXX Because XXX!!!

We Demand XXX Not XXXX Because XXX!!!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, June 30 2004, 20:13:26 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

We wish to clear up certain erroneous thoughts about XXXX and the XXX it`s been XXX`d. As long as there has been an XXXXXXXXXX in XXXXXX with the help of XXXXXX in direct opposition to XXXXXXX which was diclared to all people except XXXXXXX`s and XXXX and XXXX!!!..there has been murder and violence agsint XXXX by XXX and XXXXs.

We wish to put this issue of XXXX and XXXXX with XXX belnging to XXXX but not XXXXXXXXs to rest once and for all.

We trust we have made oursleves perfectly ridiculous.


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