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=> You're a neo-Pagan

You're a neo-Pagan
Posted by Paul Younan (Guest) - Friday, August 27 2004, 0:40:57 (CEST)
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The old Mesopotamian paganism was a far greater thing than your new. You are a neo-Pagan, not a Pagan. Paganism was the biggest thing in the world, and Christianity was bigger and everything since has been comparatively small - as your movements always will be.

There were at least three components to the old paganism that made it far greater than your neo-paganism.

The first is the sense of piety....the natural religious instinct to respect something greater than yourself.....the humility that instinctively realizes man's subordinate place in the great scheme of things.

This natural modesty contrasts sharply with the arrogant attitude of neo-Pagans such as yourself. Your neo-Paganism is the virtual divinization of mankind, the religion of man as the only thing that matters. Your aim is building a heaven on earth, in your own words, a secular salvation. Another word for it is Humanism, the religion that will not lift up its head to the heavens but stuffs the heavens into its fat head.

A second ingredient of the old Mesopotamian paganism that's missing in your new is some sort of an objective morality. To ancient Assyrians, pagan as they were, moral rules were absolute: unyielding and unquestionable. Abortion was abhorrent in middle Assyrian law, given the nature of the being being killed.

This has all changed with you neo-Pagans. Your morals and principles are situational and pragmatic, and this is mirrored in your stance on abortion (despite your ancestors' abhorrence of it) and your willingness to deny who you are and your god at the whim of a Muslim with a set of plastic cutlery.

Your neo-Paganism says WE are the makers of moral values. It not only finds the moral law written in the human heart but also BY the human heart. It acknowledges no divine revelation of any sorts, thus no one's values can be judged to be WRONG.

Neo-Paganism's favorite commandment is "judge not." The only judgment is the judgment against judging. The only thing wrong is the idea that there is a wrong. The only thing to feel guilty about is feeling guilty. And, since man rather than God is the origin of values, don't impose "your" values on me.

This is really your religion — many gods, many goods, many moralities. No one, not even you, really believes in Ashur and Shamash and Ishtar any more. How can you possibly believe in a "god of war" who lost on his own battlefield?

A third ingredient of the old Mesopotamian religion, but not of your neo-Paganism is the awe at something transcendent, the sense of worship and mystery. What the old Mesopotamian worshiped differed widely....almost anything from Marduk to a piece of shit — but at least he worshiped *something.* You worship nothing but yourself.

Your particular version of neo-Paganism is particularly dangerous in that it attempts to incorporate ancient Mesopotamian symbolism and appeals to an Assyrian's pride.....and it is dangerous not by opposing from without, but by infiltrating. A look at St. Mary's Assyrian Church in Los Angeles will give you a clear indication of this. Upon the holy altar lies the Assyrian flag, replete with the pagan images Shamash and Ashur together. On the Bishop's chair is inscribed the ancient symbol of Shamash.

Your neo-Paganism is much more clever than the old. It knows that any opposition from without, even by a vastly superior force like Tamerlane's, has never worked against us, for "the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church." The Turks learned that with Dawith, Khatoun and Yosip. The Romans learned it even earlier and decided to JOIN in and control the church rather than watch it grow and control IT. Your new neo-Paganism understands this cannot work anymore. Tamerlane tried and failed to wipe us out.

So it uses the soft, suggestive strategy of the serpent in whispers his very words: "Has God really said...?" It's so seductive, it's even snared a son of a Shamasha and gotten him to change the name he was given at birth. It appeals to your pride when it softly whispers "He knows you'll be like Him, knowing good from evil..."

It is not a self-loathing on my part, nor even my disgust with some aspects of our ancestors history that is driving me to smash the idol on Saturday. It is this neo-Paganism of yours that I will be symbolically attacking as a protest against its infiltration of my Church.



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