The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> a puppet works his mouth

a puppet works his mouth
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 5 2004, 5:37:10 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq (news - web sites)'s new prime minister made his first address to the nation Friday, saying a rapid U.S. withdrawal from the country would be a "major disaster" because Iraqis are not ready to handle their own security.

Iyad Allawi's call for improved Iraqi security and an end to guerrilla attacks came as unknown assailants attacked a U.S. Army patrol in Baghdad near the Shiite district of Sadr City, killing five U.S. soldiers and wounding five others.

...what a surprise..he said just what Bush wanted to hear. And of course Kanna says the same thing...Simele anyone?

...Iraqis can`t dispense aspirin right now..they aren`t ready yet to make their sewers work...they can`t even make the electic plants work..look at how incapable the Iraqis are..I guess we`ll just have to stay and teach them the basics..dumb Arabs!


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