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=> about legitimate claims

about legitimate claims
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, July 3 2004, 14:12:54 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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If the Jews today follwed any other religion but their original religion of yahwe..and used his name only when they wanted to claim the lands he originally bequethed to them, they`d hardly have even a sensible argument to make.

Let`s say the Jews switched to Buddha some time back, that they were now Jewish Buddhist...see, just putting the word "Jew" next to Buddha makes you automatically ask, "well then, how could they be Jews at all if they believed in Buddha"? It`s the same as "Assyrian-Christians"...or "Assyrian-Muslims"...the words just don`t fit, except we`re used to the one and hate the other. The Jews harken back to a time when your god was everything..he WAS your ethnicity...not like today when you can be an American and believe in a hundred gods or no god. The Jews still believe in their original god..while Paul Younan mocks our origianl god and banished him to a perch in Jew has that sort of self-laothing and still calls himself a Jew.

If Jews came back to Palestime claiming the land in the name of their god whom they now derided and wished in hell...they`d hardly have a leg to stand on...

They`d be seen as rank opportunists using his name only when it suits them...when they want to GET something..and of course, if it worked, they`d build no synagogues to Yahwe on their returned lands..but temples to Buddha..which makes a lot of sense for people claiming the land because Yahwe, not Buddha, gave them title to it.

That`s what the boys are trying...they will build no temples to Ashur on the land they claim he gave to them, but Jew synagogues called "Churches" and a lot of different ones a Jew god...not an Assyrian one in whose name they claimed the land in the first place.

If the boys were still followers of that "silly god", Ashur, they MIGHT have at least a good argument to make. But coming back to BetNahrain claiming land when they abandoned the god of the land, who was far more civilized than his contemporary Yahwe...for the god of Israel is,`s just like boys to do that....Let them go claim Israel.


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