The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> aftern the horse is the barn

aftern the horse is the barn
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, July 8 2004, 14:23:16 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

>Can any of you lefties out there honestly claim that Saddam, given enough time, would not have eventually obtained a nuclear weapon? And if he had done so, can you imagine how much more difficult he would be to deal with? Just look at Kim Jong Il for an example of how possession of a nuke changes the entire diplomatic dynamic.
>You can quibble all you want over the specifics, but getting rid of Saddam while he was relatively weak was the right thing to do. I supported it then and I support it now.

...well of course you do....the facts didn`t matter then, they don`t matter now...this is America`s fantasy..that Israel has good nukes and the rest are bad nukes.

...There`s no need to wonder what Saddam WOULD HAVE done with nuclear weapons if he`d developed can look at what he did with the supposed arsenal of chemical and nerve gas weapons he DID have during the first war...he never used them...not even as his country was being pounded. Why not? When was there a better time to use them than when being attacked?

In fact the only country to have ever used those bombs...and not in battle either but on civillians was the United States...the same company that developed and sold the rest of those horrors to Saddam and gave him the green light to use what difference does it make who has what...

And anyone still believing North Korea is a threat to the United States..instead of one of a dwindling number of "threat assets", is something...just don`t what to call such a person.


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