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=> before congress one day...

before congress one day...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, May 30 2004, 14:43:50 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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years ago I watched a committe question some executives about excess salaries etc...for corporate heads. They boys all looked like they`d had power lunches together and were staging a show for the rest of us. Five or six executives trestified in all seriousness that there must never be a cap on what profits an executive can make because we want to attract the very best..and the very best always want a lot of money to be the best.ç

The whole thing looked as staged as it could be with those senators feeding the proper questions and then sitting back and allowing those billionaires to have the floor.

From what they were saying it would seem that if you placed any cap at all on what they could earn...say set it at 20 million a year...they`d get so discouraged and depressed they`d rather go out and flip burgers..I mean what`s the point if you`re going to thwart their "initiative".

They laid out a horrible scenario for the future in which brilliant graduates would refuse to go into corporate America because of this restraint on their earning capacity and would instead live on the farm..or shine shoes.

It was funny really. They know they`re lying of course but I guess the point was to convince us that we need to allow them to cheat and steal from us in any way they can..otherwise we won`t get the benefit of all those theives stealing from us. makes sense to me.


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