The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> ben, ben, ben

ben, ben, ben
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 21 2004, 15:42:04 (CEST)
from Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Tiglath is carefully taking on ben..he has to be careful, for while Ben can call him any names he wanmts to, because he`s a Christian...Tiglath has to tread carefull, because he`s an Assyrian and could get banned any minute.

But me..I can drga Ben over and give him what for...and another little hero takes it in the shorts.


You wrote:
">Actually ethnically I like my Kurdish brothers and sisters am an Assyrian, just as you are. However culturally I am an Assyrian whereas you are culturally Judeo-Christian,,

You are so out of your mind to an extent that you can not tell the difference between religion and nationality.

...Tiglath jumped all over this too..which only convinces Ben all the more that one of them is crazy. Imagine a Christian, insisting only Christians can be Assyrians...telling anyone THEY can`t tell religion from nationality! Boggles the mind.

I am not going to get into religious arguments with your knowing your hatered for christianity and your limited power of reasoning and knowledge.

...That`s cute...they discuss Islam all the time and their hatred for it never stops them. Besides, they like to put words in your mouth and then argue with those..rather than dealing with the actual words YOU use.

...Besides..why can`t people discuss what they "hate"? Can you only debate those things you have no disagreements over?

You wrote:
"just as the Kurds have adopted elements of Zorastrianism and Persian/Turkish influence culture. (my comments: threfore you in your infinate wisdom come to the conclusion that:)
>" they have more right to call themselves the descendants of our ancestors then you do..."

Is this suposed to be logic? it is more like another proof of your insanity.

...well, you`ll notice that you didn`t address the point...the better way would be to SHOW the illogic and PROOVES the insanity..that way people will see what you mean..the way youdo it bounces back on your own head for it`s obvious you had nothing pertinent to say about the points made...

You write:
" because their holy books and their God doesn't demand that they splat their childrens' brains on rocks.
>Can you say the same?"

Koran is full of orders to kill and enslave the infidels.

...we`ll get to the Koran..answer his question why don`t you? And I challenge you to produce those lines. And, for the 1000th time..."infidel" in the Koran means does not refer to Jews or Christians. The fact that your bible tells people to dash the brains of Assyrian children..and we see that they`re doing exactly that in Iraq and have been for 14 years where 5000 Assyrian children a month, many of them Christian, have been killed by the followers of your "kinder, gentler" bible..well? When someone points out little quirks in your religion, it doesn`t mean they HATE your religion...just pointing things out.

Unlike the insane person who out of anger and desperation wrote cruel things in the Old Testament and no one acted on

..."no one acted on"????

the Kurds actually massacred millions of Assyrians because they were not moslems.
Have considered to have your head examined?

...he sounds sane to me...being wrong isn`t the same as being insane. Why do you keep resorting to insults? Why not stick to the point?

...Lots of people have been killed...massacred even. So what? It isn`t like Kurds or Muslims invented the practice. No one`s hands are clean. And your figures are highly suspect...millions?

Your Kurdish brothers have massacred millions of Assyrians they have driven them out of their land and have confiscated their land and wealth and what ever they have had. Here are just what did in the last 2 centuries. A few word written by an idiot seem to bother you but the death of millions of Assyrians dose not seem to matter to you. Anyone who feels no compassion for his own people frankly is far removed from humanity. That is why your claim of being Assyrian sounds pretty hollow.

...but that`s what he`s saying..that we need to have compassion for our people..all of them...Muslim and Christian. Brother has killed brother since the beginning...but it needs to stop. The Christians are over there killing everyone..again. When was the last time Muslims attacked England...America? How many were killed...was there any provocation...was it for noreason???

Here are just few massacres of the Assyrians by the Kurds during the 19th century and the 20th centuries. The previous centuries were not much better.

...Assyrians kill Assyrians too...and they kill anyone else they can. The last centuriesw were bloody because the Western Christians came to that region looking for the oil..nd their favored way of working is to work through "allies" and friends on the INSIDE and religion has always been that short-cut. The Muslims may have overeacted, but I think not. Look back over that region for the last 100 years...whom do you see there propping up dynasties and siphoning off wealth? Who bombed cities killing civilians and whose spy network undermined self-rule and set people against people? Were the Muslims so wrong to fear the relationship between domestic Christians and foreign ones?

...America still can`t find a link between Saddam and the Sudis OR Al...but that didn`t stop them from killing Iraqis long as you neglect to deal with the fact that everyone has been murderous and there have been lots of innocent people killed, caught between competing economic interests and these mad religions you all follwo..then theis cycle will go one. You seem more keen on it`s continuance...I can`t imagine`ve hardly won anything through it. Maybe you`ve become wedded to failure?

Between 1826 and 1830 Mir Kora and his Kurdish troupes massacred 40 thousand Assyrians in Solduz, Ushnook near Urmia and the villages in the plain of Nineveh such as Algush, tel keep, Baghdida, Bagofa, Bar tella and others.

...sorry, but so long as you boys refuse to believe the far more recent and easioly verified figures for the number of Assyrian children, many of them Christian, killed by your pals the Christians...figures compiled by Amnesty International and the United Nations..then your figures of 100 or more years ago have to be treated the same way. You seem to not understand "equivalents".

...we have a verifiable masscre of children right before our eyes..children still dying needlessly from easily cured ailments even after a year of Liberation,,plenty of time for the Americans to bring in basic medicines with all those tanks and missles..if they wanted to. It`s something you refuse to see or admit you should have no trouble understanding why other people too would reject your case ones compiled we don`t know how, by whom and what the motive was..or if there was exaggerration. You may think priests are honest and you may think Amnesty lies...see what I mean?

Badar Khan Massacred and his Kurdish Army massacre 12,000 Assyrians in the mountains of Assyrian in 1943 and 1947. Your Kurdish brothers massacred 300,000 Assyrians and Armenians in 1895-97. Your brothers kurds along with their masters theTurks massacred 500,000 Assyrians during world war one. Your brothers Kurds caused the destruction of 200 Assyrians villages, the death of thousands and the scattering of hundreds of thousands of Assyrians in northern Iraq during their wars with the Iraq government. Your brothers Kurds
in their war in turkey caused the death of thousands of Assyrians and abandoning of most of Assyrian villages. I heard that during the Cyprus wars between Turkey and Greece the Kurds were shouting form the roof tops that they will kill all Christians.
It seems that few words an idiot will write which no one except for you has paid attention to are far more important to you than the actual killing of millions by your Kurdish brothers.

...these are tragic one denies that..whether a million were killed or ten. But that doesn`t stop the point in hand. Police will tell you that the most dangerous call they receive is "family" disputes...the more love and closeness, the more murderous people can be. If you read history you`ll see what brother has done to brother so that these horribloe massacres are even more likely to exist between brothers..which is all we`re saying. It doesn`t prooves that they COULDN`T be brothers..because one killed the other. If anything, it makes the point more clearly that they probably are.

Look at the venom you reserve for any Assyrian who disputes with you? They become insane, in need of examintaion, they are stupid, not true Assyrians, traitors, sell-outs etc. Racists also feel more hatred for one of their own whom they accuse of being a "nigger-lover"...than they do for Blacks..because they feel personally slandered by someone who SHOULD be just like them.

That`s what you`re expressing. And there are plenty of Muslims on the other side just like you. This isn`t going to be easy...Christ said it wouldn`t be...but it has to happen. They are all our people..all our brothers and sisters...and Cain slew Abel...they were brothers fact the animosity was stronger BECAUSE they were from the same seed. That`s our problem and we want to address it..instead of citing 200 years ago as a justification to keep killing each other.

Western Christians have just given millions of Iraqi parents the excuse, the "right" to seek revenge...and which Christians do you think are the only ones they can get their hands on easily? If they feel as you do, then 500,000 Christian children have to be make up for the half-million mostly Muslim ones killed..and they are ALL Assyrians, ALL human beans! Look where we`ve come to when we have "enemy children" it`s Acceptable" to starve to death.

Your way, it will never stop. This way, there`s a chance..and where the lives of people and this planet are concerned..better to take the chance and maybe get disappointed than not to even try.


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