The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> bomb factories uncovered

bomb factories uncovered
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, July 4 2004, 15:05:46 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

"THE US army has raided an alleged car-bomb factory and several other weapons storage areas around southern Baghdad, and detained 51 people connected to a bomb-making cell."

FLASH: Several bomb making factories were "uncovered" in the United States where everything from land mines used to blow children up to atomic missles used to threaten to blow the world up and everything in between which have been used by United States for decades to kill innocent civillins around the world have been uncovered all over America where every major corporation has a bomb making subsidiary...and how soldiers from other countries would love to be able to disable them all.

The continued attempt to demonize the new Jews of this era, the a country that makes more weapons of mass destruction and little destruction than anyone on earth ever has, can only be leading in one direction...Christians are geting themselves ready and worked up into a frenzy of righteous indignation against they did against the order to do the same mass murder they barely finished doing 60 years ago.

Only it will look will look more like the way we killed their children through "sanctions" so we could pin the blame on them...

This time, however, they need to rapidly manufacture an excuse. These aren`t Jews whom the Christian Churches have been teaching for 1500 years killed Jesus and accused of every filthy, degradation they could think of...Muslims haven`t been targeted until recently..and now all the Media and our own boys are being brought into play furiously to achieve the same goal...make an ENTIRE people out to be what a few it was supposedly only a "few" American soldiers we insist who were responsible for all our crimes as a nation and would resent like hell anyone even suggesting the rot started from above and permeates our society as well.

There`s a mad dash on to smear all Muslims..make them all out to be beheading cutthroats you can`t trust...who must be jailed, penned up and killed BEFORE they grow up and marry your daughters.

We are stiting right in the midst of a planned...slowly but surely worked through, Second Holocaust. It remains to be seen if Christians can kill millions of innocent people again...I think they can..I think they miss the taste of blood in their mouths...once a week just isn`t enough for people.


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