The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> cheap psy-ops

cheap psy-ops
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, June 25 2004, 23:31:38 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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the photo on aina`s page showing a resolute Bush, can you picture such a thing...and between them and slightly back, the latest American puppet, Howdy Allawi and behind him, hooded men with rifles...what we call Terrorists. The implication is that Bush and Rumsfeld are protecting Iraqs "leader" from those in the distance..the ones who would destroy Iraq...ha ha.

The truth is that in order of harm...Bush and Rumsfeld come first...behind them is their Front..these people are all ass backwards..and behind all of them are the people they labored so hard to bring into existance..the Freedom Fighters they can then blame the whole thing standing a pyramid on its pointy head...naturally it`s going to fall over.

With no Israel as a dumping ground for the Jews Western Christianity didn`t manage to kill...there would have been no Palestinian camps as breeding grounds for hatred and revenge against those who stole their land and dispossesed them so blatantly. Without the steady drip drip drip of Palestinian blood brought to them by the same people who slit the throats of the Jews...there would have been none of this..there would have been growth and peace in the MidEast and they would have worked through their own problems without the burdens the West imposed on them.

These people have raped that land repeatedly and now dare call those who said "Enough"! the terrorists. And they can buy all the newspapers they want didn`t work for Goebbels and it won`t work for Bush...the Truth will always does.


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