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- Saturday, June 5 2004, 14:50:20 (CEST) from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
from aina...where time stops. To the True Assyrian People Posted By: Sargon ( Date: Friday, 4 June 2004, at 11:12 p.m. To the true Assyrian people: ...that`s code for, "to those who think like me" In a time of great hope and opportunity for our people, we find ourselves at a crossroads of history. After the oppression of the Baath Regime is now over in Iraq, we face other perils and fears at the hands of another old enemy; Chaos. Now it is the time to mobilize, to find our strength, to unite. ...the Baath regime had hospitals that had medicine that saved children`s lives..the Baath regime had schools with roofs and books where any kid could get a better education than they can in America..the Baath regime had electricity for homes and businessess, the Baath regime didn`t run around trhe streets shooting at civillians..the Baath regime had a prison that the Americans took over and felt right at home in...the Baath regime was censured mightily for attacking a country illegally...and it paid the price... ...that other "old enemy" is trhe chaos that OTHER old enemy brings time and again..that would be Western Christianity whose crimes and depredations you all think present a "marvellous opportunity" for you Christians. Wait till that other OTHER enemy of yours shows up...Simele. Yet, we are also confronted by the recurring theme of egoism and corruption. In the new dawn, the new "Iraq" with a place for our Assyrian people, we are faced with a question: Christians are not THE Assyrian people. You have no basis upon which to claim that all Assyrians today can only be do so because you are idle..because you`ve never joined yourselves with Iraq as so many other Christians have..because you believe your priests when they say you are the ONLY ones...that the land was STOLEN from you..and from somewhere you got the idea that if you yelp and beg and plead with Western Christianity long enough and do its dirty work for will be rewarded..but then you were taught that if you eat the body of a young innocent man who was also killed for`ll get some other goodies. You have a despicable way of getting rewarded. What are we willing to do to insure the survival and positive evolution of our people? the United States and Britain, AGAIN, attack, kill, fuck, humiliate, devastate, steal from and generall murder the people of Iraq ALL of whom are decended from the Assyrians, regardless of the jew religions you all picked up. We need women and men with education, ideas, thoughts and ideals to work on the future of our people in a "new Iraq". The Kurds must be brought to Justice!!!!!!!!!!! have no intellectuals...your Aprims and Jassims have seen to that. Anyone using their head and not coming up with your nonsense, is a traitor whose mother you will attack. The intelligent and educated ones you cry for left long ago, chased out by your boorish behavior and the thugs you seem to attract on all sides. ...The Kurds can be brought to JUSTICE just as soon as the Americans are...the Americans and the British child-killers who killed 500,000 Assyrian children, with your blessings. You want selective justice...the Iraqi people want JUSTICE. How many of us are willing to go and help? To give money? To give our time? Now is the time for WORK, not discussion. ...none of them are. You boys always go for broke..always attack each other at your most vulnerable spot in hopes of "inspiring" people through shame. The truth is you guys are ALL talk. Why do youcome around trying to shame people into being what they are not? People have to be INSPIRED to do the things you ask..and there is nothing inspirational in this mind-numbing hothouse of an Assria as reflected in your forums...your one chance to give a hint of what you do, if you could, to the rest of us. You are your own best enemies..always have been. There are no Turks, Kurds, or Arabs stopping you in America..yet for 100 years and more you have done nothing Assyrian except build temples to a Jew god. You aren`t Assyrians at are battling sects and denominations from hell. When will they stop taking our power from us? When did the Assyrian people loose their nerve to choose their own destiny? ...dumb question..when they stopped being down on their knees and pleaded with a Jew god to be taken up to his quickly..the faster the better...for there is nothing but shame and degradation for them on the shame and humiliation of being the ONLY ethnic group in America EVER who presented a gift to a major city only to have that gift put on hold indefinitely because ONE man said "no". What power are you talking about? What pride? NO This must not continue. As the people of this nation, we the true Assyrians, who have bleed in body, mind and spirit for the cause of our unity and survival, we now state our purpose and here-to-from agenda and ideology: ...another windbag. Diclarations "strong" statements...fighting WORDS...yet they can`t even handle a discussion unless the field is cleared for them first...if you guys can`t handle can`t handle anything. No longer will religion dictate our political and cultural history, or future. ...that`s bullshit meant to fool the foolish..your identity is ALL religion..your political parties are ALL religious fronts...your "history" is ALL religion. Once again you think words will make reality. We are a free people, and will decide for ourselves in a democratic fashion our representatives in the affairs of men and countries. We assert that the Chaldean Catholics, Syriac Orthodox, Church of the East, and Yezidis are all part of our Assyrian nation; We are one people, one nation, built and bred from Shamiram, Hammurabi, Sargon, Naramsin, Ashurbanipal….from Farid Nuzha, Paulus Bedari, Toma Oudo, Agha Petros, Mar Eshai Shamoun, Ashur Yusef, Yusuf Malek and David Perley. We are the daughters and sons of the founders of Nineveh, Alqosh, Ashur, Tur Abdin, Arbil, Nusaybin, Edessa, and Diarbekir; and we will be heard with ears, seen with eyes, and felt by all who would do us harm. you are not. You are Christians who are known to the world as Arabs...which is your own fault too because you have shouted the loudest that any Muslim in Iraq HAS to be an Arab who either came over with the Muslim Conquest...or who by converting to Islam might as well BE Arab..because Islam is from the same token you are either Arab because you reside in "Arab" countries.or you are Jews because your religion is from Israel. The Assyrian people of Iraq have all the antecedents you mentioned..only they glory in all the achievements of Muslim BetNahrain..of Haroun and the Islamic Empire centered in Baghdada, not Mecaa but only recognize your Christian history in the modern era...which explains why you villagers are so fucking backwards having removed yourselves from the world for the last 1300 years. We will not replace foreign dictators with domestic ones. Our destiny is our own, and our Assyrianism our life's breath, from where come our imagination, compassion, courage, kindness and love. ...and we can see what a eeak, what a useless and what a humiliating thing it is. No "nation" brags about itself whose leaders remove a painting from public display...done by an Assyrian youth...removed from the view of Assyrians, because he used the "wrong color". These are the actions of petty wannabve dictators and tyrants who give a clue about what their sort of rule would be. You don`t democracy from a Jassim in the ground. replaced a domestic dictator with an occupying one that is STILL keeping medicine from our children because they want more of them dead. And these are YOUR friends..come to give you "hope". Asshole. We shall see the peoples' will done. And we shall watch our enemies closely. ...look up your own asshole then...closley! WE ARE OF ONE MIND, ONE BODY, ONE HEART AND ONE SOUL. ALL ARE ASSYRIAN….BUT ONE ASSYRIA. letters won`t win you any countires either. You are weak, dimwitted fools raised to remain that way by your churches...who think you can fool others as easily as you were fooled. Stand up! Let your voices be heard in our churches, in our clubs and social gatherings. Tell our clergy how you feel. They are OUR SPIRITUAL SERVANTS. Do not be afraid. The biggest sin is inaction. We must be heard. If they continue on their path of division and destruction, we must take a stronger stance. Boycott the collection plate, stop your donations. Stand up and be heard for the sake of your children, and for the memory of our mothers and fathers who have long since departed. ...go to hell. Stop being passive, or you and your family will be nothing but another page in a children's history book! ...where do you expect to find the forefront of history? Password: --------------------- |
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