The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> from the "How Stupid Can They Get" department

from the "How Stupid Can They Get" department
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 17 2004, 20:40:22 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:`s Hanna making things up as he needs to...

A good step in the right direction.

Let me add, that you need to end it with a closing statement saying:

The above 11 points are the minimum requirment for treating Asstyrians as humans and as equal citizens in Iraq. Anything less thhan that, would imply that there is an Iraqi policy of discrimination against Assyrians, and hence Assyrians would be under occupation and would have their full right to seek independence.

...right. In every country, like say the United States, where a minority is discriminated agains..Afro-Americans come to mind...said minority has a ful right to seek INDEPENDENCE! And they`ll get it too...all they have to do is ask damn it...why didn`t any other minority ever think of that? Gee...what a neat idea!

...just who`s supposed to listen? Who`s supposed to cack this independence up? Who has shown the slightest interest in Christians of Iraq? Of course they are free to "seek" But Muslims now what means..what it`s meant in the past: that the boys don`t consider themselves a part of the country...but a disenfranchised minority that, while weak as piss itself, will support and call upon and cher on any other country that will attack Iraq for them...and it is for THIS that the boys have always been despised..not because they are po little ole Christians and certainly NOT because they are "Assyrians".

...the handwriting is on the wall...FINALLY! The boys got the ministry of GET OUT! And good riddance says I. If you`re going to live in a country thenyou should be loyal to that they say in America RIGHT OR WRONG! If the boys would like redress of grievances, there are ways to go about that...but they don`t include treachery and double-dealing and collaboration with the enemies of Iraq.

The problem the boys have is they can`t see things that are right before their eyes..instead they`re gzing with glazed eyes at a Christian "Assyria". If they coulod see things clearly they`d know no one is going to help them..never have and never LEAVE!


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