The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> fucking Ken fucking Joseph again

fucking Ken fucking Joseph again
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, July 27 2004, 21:09:04 (CEST)
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this guy is SUCH a turd awaiting a good flush. He came at us first with glowing reports that all was peachy keen ice cream in he tells us his Christians are being BLATANTLY discriminated against...well he can take comfort from the fact that 13 years of Sanctions imposed by Christians cost us 27,000 murdered Assyrian Christian children under the age of five...Sanctions were marvellously democratic and equal too.

The guy is a hate monger of huge proportions but sīnce he dishes out hatred for our Muslim people, heĒs okay by Christians..this is tit for tat murder..itĒs the Hatfields and the McCoys, the Capulets and Montagues..itĒs every nightmare fued that lasted until some on both sides called it quits...what we have left here are the die=hards...those who want to keep the killing going and going because they value murdered enemies more then living friends. has confirmed directly with Iraqi Government officials
who flatly stated for the record that `the Assyrian Christians as the indigenous
people of Iraq shall have the representatives of their choice and any
difficulties they may encounter will be fought to the full extent of the law.
Please give us the details so we can ensure that this important and historic
Iraqi community can be part of the process` said the Iraqi official

If confirmed the attempt to deny the Assyrian Christians their voting rights
will simply be a part of a long history of discrimination, ethnic cleansing and
genocide endured by one of the last remaining Christian populations in the
Middle East in an area that has seen non-moslem numbers fall from nearly 18%
according to some figures a generation ago to now under 2%.

...good riddance too.

The Assyrian Holocaust of 1917/1918 saw nearly two thirds of the community wiped
out in one of the most terrible, but least known massacres of the 20th century. isnĒt known because it never happened. Just like 27,000 Assyrian Christian children under the age of five never died suring the Holocaust that was Sanctions..a deliberate American Christian government sponsored policy that killed 500,000 of our children, one third the number of innocent Jewish children the Nazi Christians managed to kill among the Jews of Europe.

...The ONLY Holocausts ever committed were brought into the world by Christians....

`We call upon the international community to protest in the strongest way
possible to their local Iraqi Embassy that the rights of the Assyrian Christians
be protected.` says George.

...Tell George to go back to the monkey bars. You have no rights as Christians..none at all. You have rights as citizens of Iraq and the day you fulfill your obligations to the Iraqi government is the day you will be treated as full citizens. Even if you get your fucking are so outnumbered and justigfiably hated for your countless betrayals that your vote wonĒt mean a goddamn thing...except set you apart for even more reprisals..which is EXACTLY what Ken fucking Joseph wants..the man wants a better excuse to cry to the international a kid who yearns to be present at his own funeral and hear the kind words spoken over him...Ken Joseph wants to be one of the survivors who can be the focus of attention and pity when he announces the roll call of all the "martyrs" he helped make sure would get killed...THAT is his "mission"...for Christ Jesus.

Ken Joseph Jr.


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