The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> fucking tiresome....

fucking tiresome....
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, July 8 2004, 6:52:16 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Protest the Eusurpation of A S S Y R I A one is uslurping one is trashing the Heritage more than YOU people! There IS no Assyria...there is no Cherokee nation any longer, the Kindom of Kish os no more......imagine Native Americans writing such a letter..and you all know it`s useless...I can`t believe that you really think there`s a chance of you getting "Assyria" recognized by are Christians taking on this name when it SUITS you..the rest of the time you trash the very god of our people for a jew carpenter you insist is everybody`s only god when nothing could be more obviously NOT true.

But, write your letter..and get Shorty Golani to do it for you...and get a letter, get ten million letters asking for an Assyria or your rights as Assyrians..whatever those are...go ahead...I have to spend less energy exposing you for the fools and dim witted frauds you are if you`ll keep helping me by doing exactly what you propose...go ahead...make my day.

Posted By: Ashur Beth-Shlimon (
Date: Wednesday, 7 July 2004, at 9:36 p.m.

Dear all:

You all I am sure read the letter of Barazani and Talabani to President BUSH, I think the most important step is to write another letter to incounter the claims of Assyria, YES , it is important to speak out about human rights, woman rights and our genocide, BUT the most important ISSUE as we speak is to reply and REFUTE these thugs claims.

I suggest a letter should be written by our Assyrian Fedaration's president with conjuction of our Assyrian people in Europe and be addressed to President of the U.S.A., Prime Minister Tony Blair, President Jacque Chirac, Chancellor Gerhard Schroder , President Vladimir V. Putin , Secretary of the U.N., Secretary of the Arab League.

Such letter is very important, we should move very quickly to guarantee our rights in our homeland, what rights we are going to have if our beloved A S S Y R I A is transformed to q...tan ? Please , let us mobilize our people in this direction as soon as possible.

With best regards,

Ashur Beth-Shlimon
Tammuz 08, 6754 / July 08, 2004


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