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=> hand wringing 101

hand wringing 101
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, May 31 2004, 4:00:09 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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When you want to win a war, there are certain things you never get into a war you don`t want to "win". People are baffled by the Bush boys "failures". These people are still believing the age old scenario that says winning a war means defeating your enemy.

That`s not what modern warfare means at all. You win these modern wars by sustaining them as long as you can...while your leaders profit handsomely through dummy deals and in other ways.

No one wanted to win the Vietnam War..then too people kept puzzling about how the world`s mighiest whatever could be pinned down and fought to a standstill and then a hasty retreat by rice farmers. The Vietnam War was "won" just by waging it...that is huge profits were "won"...drained from our Treasury.

We`ve got an even more obvious replay now with corporate heads actually guiding policy driven by their own personal bottom lines and the trickle-down of dead soldiers, who died for nothing more than corporate profits. It`s such a good scam that they`re busy making Terrorists to go in the Duracell Bunny, these wounded, outraged people will fight for a long time to much the better for G.E. and Halliburton and a hundred other war profiteers gone wild.

Here`s yet another complaint that "wonders" why Bush is is doing it ass-backwards. When will these people see the obvious..that the policy in Iraq is intended to win profits..not a war...

"Retired officers and defense analysts said the problems have worsened during a war in which critics accuse Rumsfeld's team of neglecting to provide enough troops to stabilize Iraq after ousting Saddam Hussein (news - web sites), botching the planning for the postwar period, and failing to anticipate and later comprehend an insurgency that threatens the mission with failure.

"The war itself has led to, rightly or wrongly, the feeling among many in the military that they're not receiving competent direction, that it is too ideological, and that a lot of their military efforts have been wasted by what they regard as poor, inept planning for the stability phase," said Anthony Cordesman, a former Pentagon official now with the Center for Strategic and International Studies.


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