hanna contradicts banana |
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- Friday, June 4 2004, 2:17:40 (CEST) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
..in another mindless post that moderators can indulge in...ahem...Hannabanana says the following... "It is MUCH SMALLER, it is asking for the BARE-MINIMUM, which is the Assyrian HEARTLAND, known as the ASSYRIAN TRIANGLE. It is a fair and practical demand, and anyone who denies that is a Chauvinist anti-Assyrian whose goal is deny Assyrian right of existence." ...just before he banned me we were having a brilliant, for him, exchange about just where the heartland of Assyria was. He pulled out maps, made water run uphill...told me "BetNahrain" didn`t have to mean the Tigris and Euphrates..that it could have been any two rivers in the empire...why not the two that ran through his village in Syria, for instance..maybe it was Turkey...it was all nonsense. When I persisted by insisting that while many rivers are in the British Empire, the Thames will always remain the central river etc. Since I wouldn`t be "flexible" or "reasonable" and adopt his dictionary AND his geography, new and improved to put him at the center of things..he banned me. And now he comes saying that same area is the Assyrian Hreatland. I don`t think he learned anything..I think you have to not believe these shmucks whatever they say. --------------------- |
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