The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> ho-hum

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Friday, July 2 2004, 18:56:13 (CEST)
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Dear Ashor:
>>Dankh is worng! Assyrians did not join the Allies. They had no country to liberate. Christians have no "country" to liberate now either..didn`t stop you this time either.

It was not until 1918 when Assyrians came in to contact with the British. By then most of the Assyrians had been massacred. Aside from the local prtection the Russians from time to time provided Assyrians in the plain of Urmi Assyrians had no direct contact with the allies. Assyrians were not fighting to liberate any country.

...Of course they were silly. They wanted the same triangle you guys want now. Why did the French give Agha Poutous their highest military honor...what did the call him "The Lion of Assyria" for...why did they give him a chateau in France and pension him off there for life? For sitting in a village and wanting to be left alone?

All they wanted was to be left alone to live in peace. We are doing a disservice to our cause by claiming that we went to war against Turks which was did not. have no cause except to lie as fast as you can so you`ll look like good Christians.

...It was Christian nations attacking Turkey starting in 1914/15 that made the presence of Christians there a liability. Naturally would happen to Muslim Americans in America if Muslim nations ganged up on us. Why is that so hard to understand? Isn`t Jassim telling Americans that ALL Muslims are like a few extremists? Do you think there weren`t assholes like him in Turkey at the time yelping about what ALL Christians are like, based on what the Aremenians did and demanded, or just "bad" based on their bad skin and pimply poetry?

..Agha Poutous took a calculated risk and lost..not because he or his men and women were lacking in courage...but because they trusted the same lying British you boys believed again..them and the Americans this time...and time has passed but no Muslim has forgotten the Levies and your betrayal of your Muslim hosts in Iraq who took you in when you were running for your lives...and then watched you a few years later go to work for the same British who were occupying and killing them with your active participation..the same British from the same Allies who "betrayed" you in Versailles.

...Either you are pig-ignorant or a confirmed liar. Of COURSE the Christians in the Empire went to work for the British and the Allies, taking money and secure some of those same "autonomous" things you want this time around! Hell, we`ve even got Hanna SAYING a militia should be formed to go fight for those triangles in your heads! How come you call for militias now, or fess up to the Levies of 1921 but insist that NO Assyrian thought of the same thing or did anything about it during the First World War, only a couple of years earlier, when those Christians too saw their "chance" you boys have gone on and on about what a "golden opportunity" for YOU this war, brought by yet more Christians ,against BetNahrain presents.... but insist that everyone in THOSE villages sat and wanted to be left alone? Why don`t you shut the fuck up, sit in your village NOW and never utter another word?

...And to really make you fit for Bedlam, you still claim there was NO relationship between your Christian treachery and the retaliation in Simele, or any connection for your support of this latest war against BetNahrain that will trigger the same retaliation Simele was...soon to be visited on the Christians back there who will once again catch hell for what you fools are doing in America where you are safe...

You still claim that Iraqis were "just like that", mean and viscious by nature and out to kill Christians just for the fun of it..the SAME Iraqis who just a few years earlier took you Christians in in the first place when you were running for your lives from Iran and other Muslims...why didn`t they just leave you to be massacreed or starve to death at their borders..if they are all "just like that" and want Christians dead "on principle"?

This muddleheaded thinking you boys are so proud of is what the Church did to your heads...crapping in your minds at an early age and forgetting to flush...that and this penchant you all have of only talking where no one can seriously challenge your ridiculous ideas, which come from that same church and it`s "books"... which can`t stand up for two seconds in any free and open setting so filled with cream cheese are they...and you DARE to claim you are the ONLY descendants of the Assyrians that YOU will allow?

And you wonder where the youth are running to to get away from this nonsense and humiliation you`ve made of this Heritage!

Go suck a Jew.


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