The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> how do you sleep at night?

how do you sleep at night?
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 12 2004, 3:32:57 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

How do Americans live with themselves?

Well, they shoot each other in increasing numbers but that isn`t enough...doesn`t begin to make amends for all the innocent people they`ve shot in just the last 20 years.

How do they justify starving 500,000 children to death? Saddam never did such a thing...Iraq had a high standard of living...affordable health care among the best, lowest infant mortality rate do they justify bringing death and misery to so many people? How do they rationalize their rhetoric with what they actually achieved? Why are children suffering dysentary with no medicien in sight..why is there no water? You can`t blame Iraqis...Iraqis had all those things and more. You can`t blame Saddam..he didn`t take those things away from them. You can only blame the United States...

And what about our boys? No one has EVER agreed with their ridiculous points and prooves..there was no promise or hope given anywhere at any time..and yet on the flimsiest of grounds they rushed blindly headlong into pleading for the destruction of BetNahrain....and mind you..these are all our people..all descendants of the ancients..among whom you can count the Assyrians. This is their Christian religious madness...this business about YOUR god being the only one..and hence you can murder all those who don`t buy it.

People have been decent inspite of religion..never because of it. No State encourages a religion that will make people moral and would screw them up as citizens...Christianity especially is a mindless...fantastic way to get people looking up to the sky while they either kill others or get killed themselves.



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