if there are Assyrian descendants... |
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- Thursday, June 3 2004, 12:02:56 (CEST) from - customer-148-233-93-81.uninet-ide.com.mx Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...in Iraq then religion doesn`t determine who is and who isn`t. There`s absolutely no basis to claim that only Christians can be Assyrians because Christianity is "close" to Ashurism. All Assyrians betrayed their own religion and you just don`t do that, especially not in those days when religion was everything. For us to condemn those Assyrians who turned away to Islam, while the rest of us turned away to Christ is putting too fine an edge on lunacy. We`re ALL guilty of shopping around...and indeed the Christians among us never stopped shopping around, adopting new and different versions of Christianity like we were trying on shoes. I know I`m Assyrian because of what I did...not because of anything I ever said or heard. I don`t understand how talking a lot and now crying from the mountaintops, or crying at all, proves anything but that I`m a crybaby trying to make tears into "National Work". Our priests have tried to get back at Islam, which swept up most of our people by convincing us only Christians can be Assyrians...that Muslims are all Arabs because their religion comes from Arabia...knowing damn well that many indigenous people in Iraq turned to an un-indigenous religion...just as those turning Christian chose an unindigenous religion from Israel. If all Muslims in Iraq are Arabs then all Christians in Iraq are Israelis...silly ain`t it? These religions are screwing us up..just as they`ve done everywhere they confronted each other. For the sake of variations on Judaisim Assyrians are tearing each other apart. There`s no "winning" a religious war...like Ibn Saud said...in a religious war you have to kill everybody for who can compromise the supremacy of his or her ONE god? Since Islam is dominant in the MidEast, Christians lose. They have lost...they will lose. For them to be asking for "their triangle" is absurd. No Muslim is going to give them a damn thing..they never have, they never will,,how can they? How can they give the lands of Allah to the people of Yahwe? Which of them would dare do such a thing? And if Christians seriously believe the west is going to piss the people off in this way, by partitioning Iraq to form a Christian client state, they`re nuts...and they ARE nuts...they`re nuts for lying to their own people and telling them the liberal press is just talking up the bad..that in the north of Iraq there is peace and clover...that they should go back there and claim what belongs to them...all told to them by people who aren`t there...who "hear" this good news from friends who visit quickly. If they couldn`t get anything before the war...couldn`t take anything away from the Kurds, what makes them think the time is ripe now? The answer is they don`t. But all their hopes are pinned on getting enough of those people "martyred" so they can cry from the mountaintops in Chicago and Ceres, after work and when the ball game isn`t on...that they are being KILLED "damn it"...won`t someone DO SOMETHING!!! That is their one, their last, their only hope....for a triangle...and a triangle is the shape of their pin heads that thought of this "strategy". They yell and scream at Kanna as if he can do something for them..as if he can remain pure and unsullied and in that way get a triangle...or they believe that if ALL three Assyrians Christians in the world would just UNTITTY, the world would listen to them and give them triangles to play with. The entire "dream" for a Christian Assyria is a nightmare that has cost easily duped simpletons an excess of grief and misery...and if you tried to counsel a little sanity and reason...like telling a grieving mother that she should stop bewailing the loss of one child...spending her days and nights weeping from the mountaintop where his grave is and tend to the living children she has who wait on her to nourish them...you are called a TRAITOR to the DEAD kid...while all around the rest of her children languish and pine away for neglect. This kind of myopic idiocy can only some through religion...through one that claims it has to be the only "right" religion or, "you can`t be Assyrian". Enough is enough...no more pre-fabricated martyrs...no more demands and prooves...let it go because it isn`t getting you anything but increased bitterness and a sense of betrayal..that the whole world is against you, that people are robbing you, that there`s no point in building a concert hall if that concert hall can`t be in a triangle...all life has stopped..all care for children who are living and breathing but languishing away has been suspended and all Assyrians who want to build an Assyrian presence in the whole wide world have had their mothers trashed by Patriots. If an original "crime" was done to Assyrians...and it wasn`t...then they have compounded the damage, they`ve made sure the crime kept recurring, they`ve made sure to become odious every chance they had. Islam was no more forced on Assyrians than Christianity was..or if Islam was forced on them, so too was Christianity...as we can see by looking anywhere in recorded history wher Christianity "went"...for it came at the tip of a sword or gun...every time. No one is saying let the heritage go...I certainly am not...but let this kind of national work go...it gets us nothing and we KNOW that! It can`t possibly and we KNOW that. We`ve seen no one is going to champion our cause...never mind how right we may think we are...being right doesn`t get you land with oil under it..it never did. What kind of fairy tale existence do these people lead that they looked around them and concluded that Britain, of ALL countries..and now America are JUST the sort of people to champion the Little Guy? These two countries are among the BIGGEST theives on the scene today, having won their own empire and colonies by stealing other people`s lands The only reason they would ever do such a thing was because they`d found a way to use us to benefit themselves..which we`ve seen them do time and time again...as Israel was created as a part of a final solution to get rid of Jews and get Muslims to help them continue the "Crystal Nights"...the nights of broken glass... And the more sane among us are to blame for being so easily scared away by crybabies who attack our mothers as part of their heoic warrior agenda. None of us want to sink to their level..but they have us paralyzed with fear. It should be enough to see how they hide and ban and delete...that tells us all, or it should, that they haven`t the slightest convictions in what they cry about..they`re just used to crying and have lifted it, enobled it, to a national cause. Now they`re lamenting that they`ve stopped TALKING...as if by talking more they could achieve so much! It`s a shame...a great and deep shame that we retire from the field and leave it to THESE assholes! --------------------- |
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