The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> keep them TALIKNG!!!

keep them TALIKNG!!!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 28 2004, 0:02:36 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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Written by Ben on 27 Jun 2004 18:12:39:

As an answer to: Re:Figment of their imagination written by Tiglath on 27 Jun 2004 08:24:12:


You wrote:

We consider you a sell-out because you are posting false claims which are contrary to the interest of our people.

...and you are posting lies you think are in the interest of your Christian clubs..what do you have to do with "our people"?

WYou write whatever anti Assyrian thought that comes to your mind and then you state:
"If my message scares you then prove it wrong." Another example of your twisted logic.

...he doesn`t write "whatever he thinks of"...neither does he write "anti-Assyrian" are Christians...that`s all. Is writing the truth anti-you? You can call it twisted logic all you want to..what remains clear is that you have no logic to twist his with...just calling him names and accusing him of these silly ass things you`ve been doing for years..because it works on other Christians. When did you EVER meet an Assyrian before?

By your rationale I have the right to accuse you of being a "bank robber" just because I like to and have you run around trying to prove you are not.

..that isn`t his`s a trick of yours to call it his`s your silly way of knocking a point you can`t address legitimately because you boys are steeped in lies up to your gills..but like all Christians you feel murder and lying in the cause of YOUR god is permitted because you are GOOD.

At the end you may have to go to the court and spend thousands of dollars and a lot of time to do that. Even if you win most people will continue to believe that you are a bank robber even though you are not. one is going to accuse you of being an Assyrian and you couldn`t go anywhere and prove you were either..except some church in a quaking village somewhere on a hill.

A person who cares about his people does not write angainst their interest and expect them to "prove him wrong". Especially when we prove you wrong you refuse to accept the truth.

...spreading lies and sending Christians to kill BetNahrain is not in the interest of our matter not at all who stole your land in 5 million BC or 2004..the point is, if you can`t steal it back..then it`s LOST..that`s a simple fact you numbskulls still can`t get used to.

...It is in the interest of our people and all people..who are ALL our people, to stop this madness...



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