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=> leave us not forget...

leave us not forget...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, June 1 2004, 1:58:59 (CEST)
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European Jews never wanted to go live in Israel. Who would want to leave Vienna, Berlin, Rome, Budapesht and a dozen other civilized and cultured spots in Europe to go to that hellhole of 1920? No one. Sure Jews wanted to visit Jerusalem like Muslims want to take a Haj to Mecca..but live there? Why in god`s name? Who would leave Berlin in the fall for Haifa in summer?

As we all get wound up hating the Israelis all over again, let`s not forget who put them in this deplorable situation and how and why. The Christian Church has been teaching for a millenia at least that Jews killed god. They`ve been protrayed in every form of literature there is through the ages, including recent media, as rats, inferior degenerates, accused of killing Christian children for their blood, poisoning wells...they`ve been hounded and murdered and robbed, their children taken from them, forced to convert to Christianity and then had the Holy Inquisition unleashed on them because it was feared their conversions were not "sincere".

Never in the cruel history of the world have any People been treated a systematic, systemic, organized and institutionalized manner of degradation..for so long. They are, after all our warm and toasty and funny and brilliant a People as ever lived on earth. It must have driven them near insane to try explaining to their children why they should be reviled much as Black parents must have been at a loss to explain Racism while not shatttering their children`s childhood and scarring them for life.

Jews went to Palestine because they could take a hint. After cooking and eating and making furniture from them...with the whole world watching and doing they did nothing when Christians starved to death Assyrian children...Jews refused to return to a Europe that clearly didn`t want them...and they found the prospect of settling in Catholic South America no more reassuring.

Israel was created to be a ghetto...a final solution to the final more palatable because after all...didn`t Jews WANT to go to their homeland? No...not like that. Christians have simply continued their persecution of Jews by arming them..setting them in the midst of Muslims who feel betrayed and wronged by having to suffer the consequences of Christian bigotry and Jew-hatred...and there they sit..even building walls to lock themselves in at night, just as in the old days. This is what Jews wanted?`s what Christians want..if they can`t manage to kill them all..if it bothers their "conscience".

So let`s not go over the top and fall into a new version of hatred of the Jews...let`s reserve our censure for the one behind all of this..those fucking Christians...AGAIN!


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