like I said... |
Posted by
- Saturday, June 5 2004, 5:16:06 (CEST) from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
the more "patriotic" the boys, the more idiotic...they just seem to go together..this post refers to Omar Shariff, the actor...who is Christian.... It is better for you to be silent than to write nonsense. I have said " I don't like him because he is unpleasant for me ". Who is talking here about hate. Besides, I dont like muslims. The actor makes the movie successful. He is not suitable for the part in GILGAMESH. That is my pionion lady, accept it. Assyrian ...I like that..."that is my pionion lady, ACCEPT IT". Democracy in action. note: a "pionion" is a yellow onion..that`s in northwestern Turyoyo. --------------------- |
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