The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> nonesuch

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, June 26 2004, 1:31:56 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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there ARE no precison one has ever seen one...the only thing we know about them is that the peole who make them claim, to the people who buy them with our money, is that they are precise and surgical. Bullshit.

They`re just bombs people..get over it. And they aren`t "trageting" anyone except Iraqi civilians...which is what the Freedom Fighters are. It`s part of the Advertising arm of G:E. and the rest of the merchants of death that "outsiders" are doing all of this. I`m sure if they were doing it to Iran..and will be too...they`d claim that any Iranian resistance was coming from IRAQIS...who were sneaking into Iran because the Iranians really ENJOY being attacked and re-built.

I mean COME ON!!!

AFP Photo
U.S. Airstrike Kills Up to 25 in Fallujah
(AP) - The U.S. military launched its third airstrike in a week Friday in Fallujah, using precision weapons to destroy a suspected safehouse for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's terror network. U.S. officials estimated 20-25 people were killed.

..."suspected"..there`s the key word and the way out for these thugs every time. Like you can be shot first and asked questions later. That`s Bush`s wild west wooley head at work. What do you say to the people you killed when you can`t prove if they were any more than suspects? Why, nothing. You don`t have to..they`re dead and that was the whole point...because that will make more "terrorists" who will resent these Freedom Strikes. The whole thing is insane and Bush will turn out to be the greatest enemy the American people ever had.


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