not true...the mother of all lies... |
Posted by
- Tuesday, June 1 2004, 7:49:41 (CEST) from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
from aina..where they`re all muthas... As for what we the Assyrians are doing,well let me tell you this, we are all clinging to our ancestral land and lively hood even though our resources are limited. ..not true...a lie they like the sound of....they`re running for their lives and have been for as long as anyone can remember. There is no "ancestral land" reserved for anyone doesn`t fly in America, Spain, France, belongs to those who seize it and hold onto it...this is a history lesson this person has yet to learn. However,since you seem to be concerned about the rights of the Assyrians in their ancestral homeland then you should make your voice heard about the injustice and the oppression which are practiced against the Assyrians and also at the same time you can raise your voice asking for help for the Assyrians to have the same and equal rights because it's their legitimate right in their motherland. ...There are no Assyrian rights anywhere. There are no exclusively Christian Assyrians anywhere. Assyrians are represented in all the people of Iraq....with the majority of Assyrians having converted to Islam. These people are Christians trying to add exclusive luster to a ho-hum minority seeking to overblow its importance. ...No Assyrian has EVER been discriminated against in Iraq...Christians who obeyed the laws were never harmed have to keep reminding these jerks that it was Iraqi Assyrian MUSLIMS who took these Christians into the country and saved them from the other Muslims chasing them out of Iran..and Iraqis learned soon enough why they`d been sent packing..because no sooner were they settled than they kissed British ass when they thought the opportunity was ripe for "getting THEIR land" can imagine how the Iraqis felt at this rank betrayal. Christians are rightfully distrusted in all Muslim lands not because of Islam...but because of these very same Christians who time and again betray their neighbors and sell them out to attackers and occupiers, then go work for them and act the part of a police force for them. What the fuck does this have to do with being Assyrian? When would an Assyrian EVER betray BetNahrain to ANYONE for any reason? Only Christians do that..and they are despised because they are Christians...not because of their claim to being Assyrians. Assyrians aren`t traitors...Christians are..ask Peter...St. Peter I mean...not Peter Jassim. --------------------- |
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