now we see... |
Posted by
- Tuesday, June 1 2004, 17:27:34 (CEST) from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: | many of these new puppets were on the U.S. payroll all along. Chalabi was receiving money all along as were several of them with tiers to American military, CIA and MI6...Every time one of them defected...or maybe even before, he wound up being paid by the United States...we also know they were feeding the press the lies they needed to hear in order to do their master`s bidding. No WONDER the boys keep asking us who our masters are..these guys are ALL bought and paid for. That goes for Kanna too...someone is bankrolling him and probably has been since he too became a "freedom fighter" for hire...honorable my ass. So...was Saddam so wrong for believing he had spies all around him? Could he afford to be sure...before clapping them in jail, executing them or kicking them out? Did the United States wait for proof positive before attacking Iraqi civillians that they had anything to do with anything? Wasn`t it only two years ago that the federal government clapped Dr. Wen Ho Lee in solitary confinement for nine months on 54 trumped up charges? This is America remember...and although patriots get tired of these "attacks" against THEIR country...I don`t want to see OUR country go to hell...I don`t want us comparing ourselves to the worst examples we can find, drawing the conclusion that we are "better" than Saddam. We shouldn`t even be in the same league. When the United States behaves like any dictator gone wild, then something is drastically wrong and it is THAT we are "attacking". Hell, we aren`t shooting anybody..killing any wedding guests...we`re just talking...what happened to America anyway? Glad you asked...GOD happened to America. With his reintroduction, strike that..the Founders of this nation made a point of keeping the bloody bastard out of our official lives...with the foisting of Yahwe on us all as a way to make us all more "holy"...the door was openned and the smoke screen in place to enact every ill from logging to foul air...all achieved under cover of this God`s skirts. Put him back in his cage where he belongs...and let`s see these bastards have to stand in the open and tell the voters what they intend doing to us and our Constituion, without "praising" that asshole of their bloody invention. --------------------- |
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