The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> of pointy heads

of pointy heads
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 10 2004, 14:58:49 (CEST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

from aina, where all is triangular....

proposed Assyrian administrative region *PIC*

Posted By: Hanna Hajjar (
Date: Thursday, 10 June 2004, at 2:23 a.m.

The problem with the proposed Assyrian Administrative Region shown at:

...the problem is with words, meanings and origins: These areas are "proposed" by whom? When you use the word "proposed" you imply someone is doing the proposing who has some authority. If I want free coke, it`s my wish. If I "propose" free coke, it implies I have some official standing or capacity to actually GET free coke.

...they toss these words around...suggest, wish for, dream of and demandses this triangle based on nothing. To whom do they make the request? Where, in all of Hanna`s reading of history did people who have absolutely no means of enforcing anything..or anything to offer a more powerful entity besides their lips at full pucker... get anything?

...Here again they`re relying on their religion and not anything to do with being "Assyrian". They claim, as Christians, they are right and natural "allies" of America and Britain. For what? To do more of their bidding? These are servants..they are made to be disposed of of when there is no longer any use for, to be ever "allied" they have to be ever usefull..that means they can never say "no"...never back away, never refuse. This does not describe an "ally"..this is a whore.

is that it reminds me with what the Communists Russians did to the Poland after WWII.

The Russians annexed a part of eastern Poland to Russia, and told the Poles to grab a piece from German territories further westward instead.

I believe that ethnic composition of the region should have no impact on our proposed territorial claims, after all US policies will not allow borderlines drawn along ethnic lines.

...they also don`t show an inclination to give land to anyone who asks for it..especially based on Syriac manuscripts that tell you YOU are the only Assyrians. Native Americans have a more recent and a better and a legal claim to land right here in America and they haven`t gotten shit. Which is what you`ll get plenty of.

As indigenous people of the region we are claiming what is legitimately ours, and we don't have to give up our ancestral heartland for some region which is further west. are no more indigenous than the other people there. None of you remained true to Ashur so what are you talking about? Do you really think that because you betrayed Ashur first, it somehow makes you "indigenous"...the rightful owners to a land based on your Christian religion..which came to Iraq before Islam? Is that what makes you "indigenous"? A religion doesn`t make you indigenous...if it did, you`d all get tossed out because you all follow non-indigenous religions...despite your claim that being Christian is "the same as" being Assyrian.

...what do you mean "legitimately ours"? This is at the core of your ditziness...though even if you could prove it, it would mean nothing..this isn`t a small claims`s international law and they are ALL theives...especially the United States and Britain, your two greatest hopes..who just broke every international law there is..with your you`re ALL international criminals anyway..what "law"?

...where, besides in your own heads does it say people in your position are the "legitimate" owners of the land? Are Native Americans the legitimate owners of the land your house sits on?

because if we accept this proposed region now,

..."accept" what? From whom? Who made you the offer? What are you dingbats talking about?

doesn't that justify that those who already occupy our Assyrian triangle to further push us westward in the future! and pretty soon we will find ourselves in the Mediterranean sea. one "proposed" it to one gave it to you to "accept". You simply mean what each of you would like to find in his Christmas stocking one morning. You took yourselves to the Mediterranean yourselves...and over it and the Atlantic too to get to Christian countries...while many stayed behind to live in BetNahrain. No one threw you diaspored all by yourselves.

It is a matter of principal that we ask for the Assyrian triangle, with all its mosaic ethnic composition as is, and we need to accept the fact that just like there will be Assyrians living in regions outside the Assyria, there will be other ethnicities living inside Assyria.

...if you`re going to "accept facts" why not accept the fact that you aren`t going to get anything except what you had live in Muslim countries, obey the law of the land and stop fretting about your Jesus.

That is why I find the map below more realistic than the one proposed by AINA.

...YOUR fantasy is more realistic than the others? I swear you people are challenged in every sense of the word.

Hanna Hajjar


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