The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> oh HANNA!!! tahnkyouthankyouthankyouthankyou

oh HANNA!!! tahnkyouthankyouthankyouthankyou
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, July 3 2004, 4:07:43 (CEST)
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...I think he likes me...

I don't know if you understand Arabic 0r not.

..that`s a traitor`s language, the language of uslurpers...we would be ashamed to consider ourselves Assyrians and speak a uslurpers langugae! heheheheheh

Sure the Iraqi sang about Babylon and Assyria, in a context of occupiers,

..How can an Iraqi be an occupier of Iraq?

the same way the Kurds, Turks, Persians, Greeks, Romans, and British, sang when they occupied Assyria.

...Well, so everybody sings what does that have to do with it? Tiglath is mentioning specifically Iraqis who happen to be Muslims..what`s that got to do with the Bridge on The River Kwai? Honestly...your gears are slipping you`re trying so hard.

The Europeans sang when they occupied the New World and they never gave a thing but the finger to the indigenous what does singing have to do with anything?

Saying "Babilun Fina Wa Ashourun Lena" doesn't make them Assyrians,

...and saying you are Christians doesn`t prove you are Assyrians and certainly not the ONLY Assyrians.

and sticking the winged bull on the 5 dinar (which by the way is absolete and worth nothing) doesn't make them Assyrians either. There are several winged bulls at the British and French Louvre museums that doesn't make them Assyrians!

....and you worship a Jew god..and that makes you Assyrian?

If Iraqis are Assyrians, they wouldn't discriminate against Assyrians, and they wouldn't call themselves by names otehr than Assyrian.

...there are no Assyrians..not the way you mean it. In fact being Iraqi is a much more recent and demonstrable thing..they have a country etc. We`re merely saying the ancestry of Betnahrain is the common legacy of all the people of isn`t YOUR`S exclusively...especially when the only Assyrian thing you do is tatoo the bible on people.the past 1400 years since the Arab occupation, the Assyrians were treated as second class citizens, in fact Assyrian Christians (during past Iraqi regimes) are at the bottom of the totem pole, in the following order:

..not rue. Iraq doesn`t recognize you as legitimate you don`t consider an Muslim whose ancestry goes back 1000 years as Iraqi...OR Assyrian.

1. Sunni Arabs, 1st class citizens
2. Shiite Arabs, 2nd class citizens
3. Sunni Kurds, 3rd class citizens
4. Sunni Turkomen, 4th Calss citizens
5. Christian Assyrians, 5th class citizens Consider yourselves the niggers of Iraq...what do you want from the world anyway? These things happen...buck u

>>2. Those who call themselves Romans are not discriminated against by those who call themselves Italians.
>Iraq was never allowed to become the secular society that we take for granted in the West. After the CIA trained, installed and supplied Saddam with WMDs the nation regressed into a religous and oppressive society and ALL Iraqis were oppressed, not just Assyrians. The example of what happened to the Kurds at Fallujah and the Shiites after 91 are evidence that the Assyrians got off lightly in comparison.

This is a lame excuse, democracy or not, for p and try to take it like a manboy.

Do you know that a Christian can't testify against a Moslem in court! His words are not accepted, even if he was the only eye witness,

..neither could Blacks in America..and they were Christians too...Islam is 700 years younger than Christianity..give it time. Go back 700 years in Christian history and see what barabrism you people didn`t commit. It wasn`t Christians whoinvented democracy, it was pagans. You certanly haven`t helped your status one takes you seriously as "Assyrians"..including yourselves...look at the way you behave.

The only was an Assyrian can live with dignity is to have an independent Assyrian Triangle,

..then there is no hope for any dignity for you Christians. It`s absurd to think democractic Muslim Iraq is going to give Christians anything..because that`s all they and I see when you boys yelp about being "Assyrian"`s just a Christian sect trying to get something for nothing. If you suffered discrimination in the MidEast it is no more than your own fault as well as the usual discrimination and denials that Black, Mexicans, Women and Protestants and then Catholics have suffered throughout history when people have discriminated against people..your case is nothing special to anyone but you.

and once our neighbors (be it Assyrians who converted to Islam or not) get civilized, then we would think of a federation, they wouldn`t..they`d do what you Christians just did to them and you cheered on..they`d kill 500,000 of your think you`re the only ones who NEVER FORGET and want REVENGE?

but as long as they don't consider themselves Assyrians ethnically, and as long as they descrimninate against those who identify themselves as Assyrians, they are not Assyrians.

..there is no Assyrian ethnicity and when there was no one ever heard of Jesus and NO religion was made mandatory for anyone to be Assyrian...they don`t like you because you are Christian..and not even then do they dislike you all..apparently you people still haven`t heard of Azziz and George, who did just fine till you screwed it for them.-..besides, you call all Christians who make it in Iraq "Traitors" for doing what you say YOU want to be able to do. You merely want revenge...that`s all. Iraqi Muslims revere the Assyrian Heritage..that`s why they look at you and see clearly that you`re trying to scam them...they aren`t Christian apologists who are going to listen to you because you feed into their own prejudice.

We don't have to wait until they become a secular civilized society. We tried it under their rule and it didn't work, it would be stupid to stay under an oppressive occupying rule.

..many Christians didn`t feel that way and tried to stay when you Majdolin, her husband and two children...the children were killed by your Masters and Majdolin blinded and scarred for life inside and out...but you won`t even ask for anything for them because they weren`t "martyred" the right way.

...Iraq never starved children to death..Iraq had schools where Christians could get the best education and work their way to the top in an open Muslim society...that`s what you couldn`t stand so as you said, if you didn`t get your triangle, you`d ruin it for everybody..they already know that about you and also don`t want to give you another chance to do it.

Here is the litmus test: If Iraqis associate themselves with Arabs, or Medes then they are occupiers, and hence Assyria is under occupation. They can't have their cake and eat it too, they are either Assyrians (and hence they are neither Arabs nor Medes) and they have to state that officially, or they are not Assyrians (and hence they are invaders and occupiers). It is black or white, with no shades of gray.

...The people of Iraq can do whatever they want to...they don`t recognize your authority to tell them anything. The litmus test of just how stupid you are is this litmus test bullshit you all picked up from your master Peter Jassim.

...Arabs and Medes come to America and become American and associate with whomever they want`s the same in Iraq...anyone in Iraq is a citizen of Iraq...who stole you didn`t steal the stolen land your house in America sits on..and no one in America or Iraq takes any advice or orders from you as to whom they may associate with or call themselves.
The people of Iraq, wherever they came from and whenever and of any religion are citizens of the country..period. And all of them share a common Assyrian ancestry...

>>3. Latin the language of the Italians is recognized in Italy.
>Syriac is not only recognised in north Iraq but there are 52 schools teaching it to a high school level. Meanwhile Syriac is also recognised in the USA and there are 52 bingo centres and 52 churches in each state.

That is B.S. because neither the Arabs nor the Kurds recognize Assyrian/Syriac as the official language of Iraq. isn`t. It`s a nice relic and they respect it as boys want to dazzle each other with it go ahead. they will never make a language the offcial language which you keep touting, not as the language of Ashurbanipal, but that of Jesus..nice try. You will also never again be allowed to teach sedition in those village madrassahs..we know already what that led to.

Notice how the Kurds have been pushing to get their language recognized as the 2nd official language. If they were sincere, they would have asked the same for Assyrian language too.

...they take care of their own..maybe one day you will too instead of asking everyone else to take care of you. If the Kurds can take Manhattan away from the Native Americans and make Kurdish the official language..and hold on..then i time the theft will be legitimate..that`s the way it works Bub.

As to those so called schools that teach Syriac, they are merely for Kurdish propaganda, once the Kurds achieve their goals all those Syriac teaching schools will be closed. one YOU openned in America.

Irinically in Chicago there is a street that was named as King Sargon Drive, show me in Iraq (the birth place Assyrians) a street named after an Assyrian king.

...ironically Chicago is the city in America to accept an Assyrian, not a Christian, monument..and it wasn`t stopped cold by Muslims, Turks or Arabs..but by Christian boys such as yourself who insist on remaining shabby and ditzy and getting their people kiled so they can win hearts and minds pathetic objects of derision. isn`t up to you and it matters not at all what you think of a sovereign nation you aren`t even a citizen of. You`re gone from the Mideast for good people don`t deserve to live there.

>>4. There is a small Vatican independent enclave.
>That's the Pope's state. Are you finally declaring that we have a religously based identity and that you want a Christian state like the Pope?

I am not seeking a Christian state, I am for a secular state, and the way it is moving in Iraq, are not a secular identity, you are a religious one with a litmus test of the Christian faith plus a lot things you CHRISTIANS dreamed up to make you "Assyrian" and everyone knows that. Just because you do the Rag at different times doesn`t mean we don`t see the nails in your head.

it seems that it is becoming more polarized religiously, teh old flag didnt have a crescent, now they are pushing it in the new flag. I mentioned the vatican as an example, if there is good will and good intentions from the Iraqi majority, they could spare the Assyrian Triangle for Assyrians (a secular Assyria that will become a model in the Middle East) and it would be part of the larger Iraqi federation.

..there is increasingly nothing but bad will towards all Muslims...starting with the theft of Palestine to make a ghetto for the Jews you Christians couldn`t kill. There is very little reason to respect Christians in Iraq, especially those claiming to be Assyrian AND claiming their territory...not after the Levies and this most recent war brought by your Chirstian masters with your blesings as a token of the good will and fellowship you all feel towards the people of Iraq.

But unfortunately they want to have Assyria without giving Assyrians any rights, and that is unacceptable. don`t accept it..just stay out. It isn`t Assyria and hasn`t been for over 2000 years. If America isn`t about to return land stolen from the indigenous people a mere 300 years really think it makes sense to demand Iraq give Christians land back that they can prove no title to and even if they what? Come back when some other nation gives "back" land.

>>5. All Italians are treated as equals under the law, and anyone who identifies himself as a Roman can be elected as president of Italy.
>I agree as long as you agree that anyone who asks for aRoman rhombus would be luaghed at and most probably locked uo if he supported invaders from America.

You can laugh as much as you want, be it at a Triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, rhombus, polygon, etc. I don't care! Irrespective what you feel about triangles, that does not change the fact that the Assyrian heartland is triangular shaped! I don't see you laughing when they mention the Nile-Delta, or the Mekong River Delta, or even the Sunni Triangle which has been on the news lately, which by the way are all triangles too.

.it isn`t the triangular shape of your`s the square shape of your head that`s funny. You have absolutely no legitimate claim to anything in Iraq and the whole world knows it and so do YOU!

I use the Triangle because it has geographical and political bounbderies, and Assyrians can identify with it by pointing it on the map, especially that no map has the name Assyria (or its borders) mentioned on it. with a geometric shape, and two rivers and an international border, then the coordinates are all set. Once Assyria is independent, the triangle will be dropped from its name, because the shape will be irrelavent. are irrelevent...a year ago you were arguing that BetNahrain was NOT the heartland of you weep for it. Cry me a will never get anything but Iraqi citizenship which you don`t even have and never did...where do you come off telling Iraqis what they must give you Christians?

Your problem is like the Greeks who deny the right of the Macedonians to call their country Macedonia. If you have a problem with an independent Assyrian state, hey you don't have to live there, and why should you care when you are living in in Australia! will never get anything. Go live in Macedonia...there will be no Assyria.

>>The Assyrians are in a situation more like the Serbs and the Bosnians. they might be ethnically the same, but they are religiously different, and when either side does not recognize the other, then two seperate entities are needed to give each side their full right. and hence a Serbia and a Bosnia (where in this case the Assyrians are compared to the Bosnian minority).
>Thank Ashur you said it!
>"They might be ethnically the same"
>That's been my point all along Hanna. Of course weare ethnically the same but religously divided as well as eclesiastically splintered.

I said MIGHT, and MIGHT means MAYBE, it does not mean OF COURSE.
The division is not religiously, it is ethnically, cultural and linguistically. Assyrians have nothing in common with Arabs and Kurds, other than they are occupying our homeland, imposing on us, and descriminating against our people. is none of those is religious and that is ALL. You`ve merely tagged on "Assyrian" to your religion and you have wide divides between Christians of Iran, Iraq and Syria so that not even in your same religion are you the same. You are merely "Arab" Christians trying for a land grab. You have nothing that makes you an ethnicity at all...just a religion divided into a 100 fragments.

The Iraqi Kurds consider; Turkish, Syriac and Iranian Kurds as their brothers and Assyrians as foreigners, similarly the Iraqi Arabs consider; Moroccan, Algerian, Moritanian, Tunisian, Lybian, Egyptian, Syrian, Lebanese, Jordanian, Saudi, Kuwaiti, Yemeni, Sudanian, Omanian, Emiratian, Bahrainian, Qatarian, and Emiratrian, Arabs as their brothers and Assyrians as foreigners.

...they don`t like you lump all Muslims together under the heading "nasty people"..they feel the same about you..they do NOT consider you Assyrians the way you mean it..they know you are Christians pretending to be something else too so you can make what would be a really nutty claim if you were just Christians...

Assyrian ethnicity des not mean being Arab nor Kurd. The ball is in the court of those Iraqi who call themselves Arabs and Kurds, if they don't identify themselves as Assyrians then they are not Assyrians.

..neither are you. You have no documents..nothing...just some self-serving Syriac manuscripts you bore the world with. You are Christians and it`s ALL you haven`t done a single thing that could be remotely seen as Assyrian that wasn`t aimed at bolstering this silly Christian argument.

Can you explain what is the realtion between Moroccans and Assyrians? There is nothing in common between the two, and hence Assyrians are not Arabs.

...and neither are Muslims in Iraq Arabs as Muslims in Mongolia and Malaysia and the Phillipines are also NOT Arabs. If you`re going to insist that any Muslim in any country has to be from Arabia because his religion is, then you are nothing but Jews from are the Mexicans and Canadians because their religion came from Israel..give it a rest.

>The same name issue we had with our Chaldean people is a microcosm of the identity struggle we face with our Iraqi people. You were one the bravest amongest us when we united with our Chaldean brother and tore down the eclesiastical barriers that divided us.....I ask you now to join us in tearing down the religous barriers that divide our people.

That is different, because Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, are the same people, same ethnicity, same language, same culture, and that is different than Arabs and Kurds.

...America is a tapestry of people and cultures..that`s where its strength used to derive...and in America the Irish, Italian, Catholic, Spanish, Puerto Rican, African, Asian, Jewish people were ALL discriminated against horribly..yet none of called for foreign invaders to come protect them by making war and killing the people they were being discriminated by....least of all the indigenous people who had to stand there and watch it all...them`s the`s the way the world has been for everyone in it...but they eventually EARNED their way to a better run first of all..then you whine and lie and then you send death and destruction, threatening to ruin it all if you can`t get what YOU claim you any spoiled brat and THEN you come demanding this and are crazy stupid. Iraq will not be ripped apart so YOU can get your own`s strength too, as the power and creativity of the ancient people of Betnahrain came form diversity and toleration...if you boys ever learned how to take your lumps and work wouldn`t be so unwelcome now.

>>The main flaw in Tiglath's theory is that the other side does not recognize their Assyrian identity, in fact they trace theri roots outside Mesopotamia, those who call themselves Arabs they trace their roots to Saudi Arabia, and those who call themselves Kurds they trace it to the Medes in Persia. They can't have their cake and eat it too. If they are Assyrians like us, then they can't claim that they are Medes and Arabs.
>I met an Iraqi Arab man in north Iraq who told me of taking his beautiful little girl to the Baghdad Museum to see the ancient Assyrian artefacts. Holding his little girl by her hand he looked up and staring at him in stone etched over teo thousand years ago was what looked like a stela relief his little girl. He kept staring at what was a relief of our Goddess Ishtar and at his girl. They looked almost identical. How could this be he thought.
>He decided there and then to change his little girl's name to Ishtar on that very day!

One born-again Assyrian! That's a drop in the ocean, when compared to 20,000,000 Iraqis who do not accept the Assyrian name.

..they accept everything about it as you can see in the care they took of all of their artifacts...they simply refuse to recognize ONLY you Christians as the direct descendants or any descendants of the ancients...especially not when your main criteria happens to be a Christian religion that constantly makes war against them, with your blessings. They don`t recognize YOU..they recognize everything about Assyria...including the obvious fact that it is today Iraq...a country you hate so long as it won`t give you boys what your mamas told you you had coming.

>Meanwhile in Sydney there are Shiites who are paying Assyrians to teach them Syriac. They want to start learning their old language again having lost it hundreds of years ago.

You can't generalize based on a handful of people.

...according to you no one can do anything but give you what you want.

The bottom line is that we Assyrians should seek an independent Assyrian Triangle, and allow the other so called Assyrians who are Arabized and Kurdified to run their affairs outside the Assyrian Triangle, and they could progress at their own pase, and once they see the light, realize that they are Assyrians, and claim that their homeland is Assyria, then we would join with them as a federation of Assyrian nations. but until that day comes, we should have our own independent homeland, because living under their rule was not healthy for us, in fact it was deadly!

...they just lost a half million children to your would seem that Christians bring death to Muslim lands and not the other way around. If you expect American Muslims to pay for Muslim crimes, then don`t be so shocked when Christians in the Mideast pay for Christian crimes. You brought this on your own heads...just like the retaliation you`re going to bring to those people again`ll be safe with your list...and you blame Muslims for wanting revenge when that`s ALL you want?

In a democratic Iraq..pissed as hell at the Sanctions you praised and with the memory of the Levies that you sought to revive with your calls for a Militia of Christians to go back ther and TAKE your can understand how you`re not going to get anything from a Muslim majority...surprise!

We tried it for the past 1400 years and it didn't work, and frankly speaking we are not interested in trying it anymore. What you are asking Assyrians to do is like asking an abused wife to go back to her husband who will continue abusing her. So please spare us this agony, the other side needs to get civilized first, then we'll talk!

...they don`t want to talk to you..and we do it only to coax you fools out...for nothing will get the rats out of this Heritage like a bright light shined on them...exposing their Masters and how the urbate for Assyria.

Hanna Hajjar


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