on the importance of language |
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- Thursday, June 3 2004, 18:22:57 (CEST) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
it`s useless to argue with the boys that dictionaries were intended to standardize meaning so we can have civilized and concise discourse..not flaill about with a sharp dictionary of our own making with which we bludgeon words and sentences, ripping definitoons apart by the seams so we can make our points... For instance...if Peter Jassim, nee BetBassoo, fell into the Tigris and was drowning...that would be a... "CRISIS". If someone fished him out, that would be a... "TRAGEDY". A crisis isn`t always a tragedy...sometimes it can be a... "BLESSING". Though Peter might be... "PANIC STRICKEN" at the idea of drowning...a lot of us would find it... "REFRESHING". spot quiz on Friday. --------------------- |
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