The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> selective tragedies...

selective tragedies...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, September 8 2004, 15:27:02 (CEST)
from - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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While we discuss all victims in this war...the boys will only recognize those Christians killed by Muslims...why?

"Three Assyrian Women from Bartilla Murdered by Terrorists in Mosul
On Tuesday August 31, 2004, Tara Majeed Betros Al-Hadaya, Taghrid Abdul-Massih Ishaq Betros and her sister Hala Abdul-Massih Ishaq Betros, were murdered in Mosul. The three Assyrian victims were returning to their homes in Bartilla, from a hospital in Mosul, where they worked, when their car was attacked by a group of terrorists who opened heavy fire at the car."

What about Majdolin Yonan`s two murdered babies..also killed by Terrorists...State Terrorists of the United States? What makes a terrorist...the uniform...or lack of one? What kind of war is that is illegal, based on lies and fought against civillians? Who drops a bomb on an apartment house because an enemy "might" be in it? When you attack a city EVERYONE is your enemy.

Why have the Christian boys who wail loses back to 897 AD never once mentioned Majdolin? Is it because her children are among the thousands of Christians the United States has mnurdered? You suppose?


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