The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

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Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 14 2004, 6:58:48 (CEST)
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the boys first said a war against Iraq would be welcome by the Iraqis..that they were yearning to be free and to be freed by United States bombs and soldiers...said that would finally stop thousands of years of masscres by Saddam.

Then that didn`t work,,,there was more violence than ever and not only that but the dreaded extremists looked like they would run the show.

So then they put their hopes in a guy named Kanna..remember him? His high point came when he held aloft a newspaper that mentioned him. Then he proceeded to do great things by travelling around the world and explaining how the Christians of Iraq wrere going to get this that and the other thing.

Then that didn`t go anywhere either and no one talks about his excellency any more...the interim puppets were replaced by more puppets and Kanna was delegated to a minor desk down a back alley in a basement somewhere...but still the boys were hopeful...why not, what did they have to gain or lose?

After that and most recently someone had tea with Laura Bush and all over Assria people got wet just thinking about one of us sitting down with one of them. If the past is any precedent nothing will come of that either.

Now government officials are dropping like flies and it`s going to become increasingly harder to find Kanna...he`s no dummy.

Then all hope and faith shifted to triangles the boys proposed giving themselves and as there`s no chance in hell of them getting any such thing in a democratic, Muslim dominated Iraq...they decided to place all their hopes in it anyway for it was another sure thing to collapse right out from under them...they are victims, don`t you know. If anyone ever kept jumping off a ledge and complaining that the earth had it out for`s our boys.

Question is, when it becomes obvious to them that the triangles aren`t forthcoming...what then?

Oh, I almost forgot...somewhere along the road to nowhere the boys decided they were really ferrocious warriors after all and they envisioned a Christian militia that would carve out a triangle by sheer force of arms...that`s heard correctly..the same trembling cowards who can`t stand to face a sentence or two or walk by a post without unravelling see themselves in bold khaki...a bandana loosely tied round their neck..tailored fatigues, hob nailed boots and any number of mean looking weapons held casually in their firm grip...hardenned by hours of fingering a keyboard...bandoleros slung across their manly chests with maybe even a cigarette dangling from their lips.

It`s a nice image, I guess...though who they`d actually shoot besides each other I don`t think they`ve quite worked out but Hannabanana declared their meek Christian days are over...they will now revert to what they were all along, Assyrian Worriers! So watch out you sissy Kurds!

Now, it would seem in a day or two they will have exhausted themselves at playing army...the triangle thing isn`t going anywhere already...Kanna is under his desk saying, "who me"?...the tea things have been put away...there are no cabinet ministries being handed out to Christians, no matter how indigenous they claim they fact no one is bothering to be anything but patient and forebearing with these loons who thought to ride in with the 7th Cavalry and carve out a ghetto/nation for themselves. More out of pity and a desire to be seen as fair, the Christians might be allowed to stay and pray in Iraq...but that`s only after the Muslims have had their fill of kicking their asses around the block again...all the way to Simele and back. This will give them the only thing they`ve ever managed to achieve..more murderd Christians they can haul around the world on a Martyr`s Tour.

And when all of this nonsesne dies down, they will have lost far more than they ever stood any chance of gaining. And the really scary thing is that they will have learned nothing again. Should Russia or China or little green men from Mars deicde to attack Iraq again in twenty or a hundred years..the boys will back them too...will pray for them to go do it..will work for them and help them and shill for them and praise them and excuse their every crime against their "dear homeland".

This is the Christian scum of the MidEast the Muslims have tried their damndest to tolerate all these hard as it`s been made for them. These are the traitorous, sneaking, lying cowardly rat bastards who lament to the world that they are despised because they are CHRISTIAN...and then because they are ASSYRIAN..when it`s just because of who THEY are.


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