simele |
Posted by
- Saturday, June 5 2004, 0:36:15 (CEST) from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
My grandfather was one of the few doctors the Assyrians who fled Urmi had. He was settled in Mosul by the government where he worked at the hospital and soon had all the Iraqis for much so that he opened a clinic in a couple of years, earning him the enmity of the Asstians who thought he was getting upitty and beyond himself...with a family to raise that would soon number ten children. The Asstians couldn`t understand why a doctor would have to charge them his own clinic...for medical care at the government hospital was almost free in Iraq..even then. So a committee of them went to the government and said they knew he didn`t have a license and wasn`t a REAL doctor...and he hadn`t one because the records of the missionary school had been envious Muslims heard them out and used them as an excuse to take away my Grandfather`s medical license in Iraq...but he was an Assyrian so at the age of 55 he went back to school and got his degree all over again..and the Asstians hated him for it even more...because they were still digging ditches with their heads. When the usual jackasses stared making noise about taking Iraq over..about what the British had promised them when they gave them uniforms and guns and ten grandfather and others cautioned them no to carry on in ways that would make the Iraqi government angry at their ingratitude...and there were Aprims and Jassims and Kannas then too who said, "What is OWR country"!!! And then of course the Iraqi army did what the FBI did in Waco...they attacked innocent unarmed men, women and children and killed several...governments will react in these ways. After Simele I`m sure the leaders of that fiasco scolded my grandfather and the rest...told then that if only the rest had UNTITTIED they could have beaten the government and gotten Assyria. Kanna knows the whole do the rest of them..either you join them in this farce that will turn bloody..or they`ll just blame you for it in the end it was YOUR fault THEIR idiocy didn`t succeed. And we have more where they came from. The next generation of Kannas and Hannas and Jassims and DeKelaitas are even now being dandled on some priest`s prick in a village somewhere. When they^re ready, say in 30 years or so, they`ll come back on the National Scene and make National demands and give National Facts and have National Maps with National Triangles that they`ll make Nastional Demands for,,,and they`ll get squashed too and they`ll blame my children for it...nothing changes in Assria. --------------------- |
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