The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> stiffo stiffens

stiffo stiffens
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, June 24 2004, 21:40:25 (CEST)
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..things are getting desperate for the boys when they trot Stiffo out. He`s supposed to be the calmest and most reasonable one of them..and he is apparently. But he uses it in the same underhanded, sneaky way.

In this post that appears so sane and logical...he let`s slip the same basic and idiotic claim they all make..after which you can be Stiffo or Jassim..makes no difference, just a matter of style...and style will not win this day...numbers will and whether they are 10%...5% or a country that wants to be ruled by a majority, which is what democracy is...where this particular minority is STILL claiming all the land, or any part of it, based entirely on their own RELIGIOUS argument of worthless merit..I mean to anyone but other boys....they induce the Muslim majority to fall back on what is to THEIR advantage, numbers..only theirs is a REAL advantage..whereas the boys, once they raise the "Religion/Ownership Card"...succeed once again in only shooting themselves in the foot..for they will anger the majority, wich is Muslim..who can easily block any measure they want adopted...which will lead them to cry and diaspora all over themsleves again..come to America again and call for the resumed attack on people who are "discriminating!" against them because they are ASSYRIAN...when their entire land and indigenous argument is based on their being EXCLUSIVELY Christian which, no mater how close they say it is to NOT.

The only measures any Christian ministers or parlimantarians will get passed are those that leave religion out of it...especially theirs..for they can`t even argue that it`s unfair for the majority to tend to its religion while voting down the Christians..of course they can..and they are within their full rights to do America going to argue with them? Will America tell them to treat their minorities as it treats theirs? You boys really want that?

So, in the end, they`re back where they started from....only with a lot more people killed, their own too. In the end they must behave as citizens of a country that is Muslim...and that will color eveything they`re able to do. Cry about it all they want. And if they make the same noises from the madrassahs of their village churches about how the country belongs to them..their only consoloation after years of killing and ruin..will be that the citizens of Iraq, this time..will democractically vote to knock those churches into dust...instead of a lone dictator doing it...and that is all that will have changed.

One thing is new however...there are now radical Muslim fundamentalists who have tasted bood and seen their own spilt by you think that will make you boys more secure?

It was a hopeless enterprise from the hope to it all really..and George Stiffo is smart enough to know are the rest. But that was okay with them..okay because they pinned their hopes on getting enough of their own people killed, by Muslims of that some one will feel sorry enough for them. All the someones have done is present them with the gift of Democracy...which they begged for...but in a country now filled to bursting with mad as hell Muslims who will see no reason to give these sons of bitches anything...but the "Ministry Of GET OUT!".

never mind his`s mostly treacle until you get to the same idiocy.."we are the ORIGINAL owners of the land"..which NONE of the boys have stopped to ask, even if it is true...SO WHAT?


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