the boys of summer |
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- Friday, June 4 2004, 15:58:04 (CEST) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
These people are all mightily challenged...really they are. Not by building Assria..they`re challenged whenever they have to think something through...consider all its ramifications...they are for the most part extremely simplistic and simple one else among us believes they are the only Assyrians because they follow a jew carpenter. They can never put themselves in someone else`s shoes...see how their own actions would be interpreted if they stood on the other side of the line. None of them mention that whatever "rights" they may or may not have provisionally came at the end of an American if the fact that the nation was attacked and now occupied illegaly means nothing anywhere..that there`s no precedent in history from which they could take a painful lesson..before it gets REALLY painful. This is not the first time in history that a country has been occupied and the occupying force has found traitors willing to do its work for fact in our own recent history we have a perfect we keep saying we will NEVER FORGET..but whose real lesson we never learned...Simele...remember? The French learned the hard way that even though they had an Underground that fought the Nazis...when the Americans came in they treated ALL French people like trash...because they`d allied themselves with the Nazis ever so slightly...but they had nonetheless acted as the government under Nazi auspices. "The friend of my enemy, is my enemy as well". Our hapless puffed into delusions of grandeur and entitlement by their idiotic priesthood have been swept off their feet and out of the few wits they have by a ride in an American empty title, some spare change and the chance for 15 minutes of fame they`ve made sure the rest of the people will pay dearly for. But they all know that and they have their exit strategy already worked out..when their shit hits the fan they`re going to turn on all we always do in the end, and blame THEM for losing Iraq..because they all wouldn`t UNTITTY!. With nothing to back the claim up except more wishful thinking, the boys of ZOWAA have convinced themselves they are a viable force and that if they could just get enough backing from the rest, they`d surely succeed. Hell, when the British WANTED to give us something they said they couldn`t. What difference does more voices shouting for what ten voices can`t get going to make? This isn`t a vote...this isn`t a question of majority rule deciding it...all Asstian voices put together are still babbling utter nonsense and still in the Chritians are going to get extra-legal rights in any Muslim country..especially not after this war whose impact and reprecusssions have not yet even appeared on the horizon. By neglecting to mention that the boys of ZOWAA are working for the Americans...that they never would have gotten these positions, along with the rest of the council who are ALL puppets of the United States had there not been this most illegal and inhumane war on civillians...they try to leave the impression that their own merits and the worthiness of their cause is winning the day for them. It is not. They are being used as they always have been used and always will be used..and they will be discarded later as they always have been...and they`ll come blaming US as they always have..never themselves who are the most gullible pack of half-wits who ever "led" a nation...a nation that is a sect and nothing more...which is where this delusion begins. They are having their 15 minutes of fame now...just remember that they themselves are setting up the gallows...and gleefully too because it`s such a pretty gallows, painted so nicely and look! has the Lamasu painted on it!. These people are gulls...dupes...puffed up on their own hot air. We know it..they know it. While the rest of the puppets on the council are Muslims...who can safely blend into the background later...the Christians will have marked a big yellow star right on their foreheads..what the rest of the Muslims might be inclined to forgive in those of their own religion, they will take out doubly on know that..we have always lamented JUST these kinds of developments AFTER..and can`t see, because we`re always taken in by cheap glitter, that the same exact forces and more so, are being put into place all over again. The boys of ZOWAA are merely handing the Christians over to be the whipping boy...once the Americans who are puffing us up are gone. They will leave..they most certainly will...and all those things we`ve said about how awful and bloody and murderous Muslims are...we will have brought down on our own heads..only Kanna won`t be there...he`ll be somewhere else...touring and lecturing about how we ALMOST had an Assyria, except assholes like me tried to warn us about Simele BEFORE it happened..and not "use it" he`s going to do. When the Puppetmaster is gone...the puppets are dead...there is no life in them. Have we no hysterians who can tell them that? Or is 15 minutes of fame worth it to them? --------------------- |
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