The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> the really disgusting thing is...

the really disgusting thing is...
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, June 7 2004, 0:54:25 (CEST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: these hero thugs fresh off the Baath Regime banana boat come to America and think they understand what the country stands for because they see it lose its head and go attack Muslims for them. They urge on the worst instincts Americans have..thinking they`ve landed in the same kind of tyranny Iraq was..only a Christian one.

The other thing is how they consign sober and well educated and talented people in our community to the dustbin because they aren`t "real" Assyrian...saying things like they`d prefer to have bad books, bad art, bad literature, awful long as it`s written by a REAL Assyrian..meaning one of them..than by a "Traitor"...that being anyone who disagrees with them. That`s been their not so hidden agenda ever since they graduated from Saddam University. They act no differently than any of his thugs and find the climate in America democratically "conducive" to allow them to get away with this stuff..they use and smear democracy...seeing it only as a great way for THEM to have a brief opportunity to play dictators and tyrants.

You can see how desperate they are to avoid open confrontation..the dirty tricks and cowardly things they do to make it appear we all speak with one stupid voice...trying desperately to get us all rolled up into one great big stupid rubber ball so we can bounce off the walls together.

They thought banning us would clear the way for them..instead we have more readers than aina and beth put together...never mind the Ghassbag and atour, the sorry state of asyria...including Pisheeta Inc...that fartsite Paul Yunan runs where they explain us away to Judaism.

We write...we answer..we slap them around...and they take it and take "Assyrians" were always famous for...or they display that other grat characteristic of the sons and daughters of Ashurbanipal..sliming our mothers.

Peter and Wellfed both are worried about how whitey will view them if they have "enemas" on their forum and magazine...Peter lackeys for Uncle Sam so he has to kep up appearances..on his message board America can do no wrong and Assyrians who join the Marines and go fuck their own mothers in Iraq are heroes.`s doomed to failure though. They are like Mules...sterile without any hope of siring any fact the only people they attract are even more dimwitted than the ones who run the place. In any open field anywhere these heroes of theirs would scream and faint. On the famous other hand..if we can make a space and spend the time and effort...we`ll be rewarded by picking up here and there one or two Assyrians at a time who will find these ideas much to their way of thinking...though perhaps they hadn`t seen them expressed in these ways before...and we all know who`d win any kind of debate or confrontation...the only way the boys win is by going for our families.

Now I`ll go for show that it doesn`t work either...nothing works when you`re put together the way they are...the only way it SEEMS to work is we leave, in disgust. If we stay...they`re bad history.


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